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Retrospective Assessment of Risk Factors for Head and Neck Cancer Among World Trade Center General Responders




Objective: To assess the reliability of a questionnaire designed to reconstruct risk factors for head and neck cancer relative to the 9/11 World Trade Center (WTC) response and over the lifetime. Methods: As part of a nested case-control study, 200 WTC Health Program (WTCHP) General Responder Cohort (GRC) members completed a newly-developed study questionnaire via telephone (with a trained interviewer) or online (self-administered). We assessed agreement between measures of tobacco and alcohol use in our questionnaire results and data collected previously during WTCHP-GRC monitoring visits using Cohens Kappa (κ) and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) for categorical and continuous measures, respectively. We compared agreement by disease status, survey mode, and year of WTCHP enrollment. Results: We observed high agreement between measures of lifetime, pre-WTC, and post-WTC smoking prevalence (all κ 0.85) and smoking duration (all ICC 0.84). There was moderate agreement between measures of smoking frequency (ICC: 0.61–0.73). Agreement between measures of smoking frequency, but not duration, differed by disease status, and agreement between smoking measures was higher for participants who completed our survey by phone than by web. Among cases, there were no differences based on enrollment in the WTCHP before or after diagnosis. Conclusion: Agreement between measures was generally high, although potential reporting bias and a mode effect that should be considered when interpreting analyses of self-reported data in this population; however differential misclassification appears to be minimal. Our questionnaire may be useful for future studies examining similar behavioral risk factors among disaster-exposed populations.
机译:目的:评估调查问卷的可靠性,旨在重建头部和颈部癌症的风险因素,相对于9/11世界贸易中心(WTC)响应及一生。方法:作为嵌套案例控制研究的一部分,200个WTC健康计划(WTCHP)一般响应者队列(GRC)成员通过电话(有训练有素的面试官)或在线(自我管理)完成了新开发的研究问卷。我们评估了在我们的调查结果和饮酒中的措施之间进行了协议,并在使用Cohens Kappa(κ)和腹部相关系数(ICC)的WTCHP-GRC监测访问期间分别用于分类和连续措施的数据。我们通过疾病状况,调查模式和WTCHP年份的一年进行比较。结果:我们观察了终身措施,WTC前和WTC后的措施之间的高协议(所有κ& 0.85)和吸烟持续时间(所有ICC> 0.84)。吸烟频率措施之间存在温和的协议(ICC:0.61-0.73)。在吸烟频率措施之间的协议,但没有持续时间,疾病状况不同,吸烟措施之间的协议对于通过手机完成调查的参与者更高。在病例中,基于诊断前或之后的WTCHP中的注册没有差异。结论:措施之间的协议通常很高,尽管潜在的报告偏见和模式效应应在解释本人的自我报告数据分析时应考虑;然而,差异错误分类似乎是最小的。我们的调查问卷对于未来的研究可能对灾害群体中的类似行为危险因素进行检查。


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