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SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic Impact Assessment for Hearing Impaired Patients




COVID-19 is a systemic infectious disease caused by the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused social, economic, political, and cultural repercussions for humanity. Although Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) has been recognized since 2002 as a legal means of communication and expression, most individuals with hearing impairment in Brazil do not have access to accurate information about SARS-CoV-2 available to them in Libras. Between July 2020 and November 2020, the impact of COVID-19 on deaf and hearing impaired individuals was assessed through a closed questionnaire, using Libras, via a digital platform. Deaf and hearing impaired individuals over 18 years of age and living in the Metropolitan Region II of Rio de Janeiro were eligible to participate. Frequencies were calculated for categorical variables. From the total questionnaires submitted, 55.5% of respondents claim to have “a lot” of knowledge regarding COVID-19, and 44.4% of those individuals indicated they gained this knowledge through social media. Additionally, the main difficulties encountered by the deaf and hearing impaired population during the pandemic were: communicating with others wearing masks, and poor access to medical care. Thus, for full physical, mental, and social well-being, the state must invest in the inclusion of this population through public health measures.
机译:Covid-19是由新的SARS-COV-2冠状病毒引起的全身传染病。 Covid-19大流行导致人类的社会,经济,政治和文化困境。尽管自2002年以来,巴西手语(Libras)被认可为沟通和表达的法律手段,但巴西听力障碍的大多数个人都无法获得关于在Libras中可用的SARS-COV-2的准确信息。在2020年7月20日和11月20日期间,通过使用数字平台使用Libras的封闭式问卷来评估Covid-19对聋人和听力受损个人的影响。聋人和听力受损人18岁以上超过18岁,生活在里约热内卢大都会区II有资格参加。计算分类变量的频率。从提交的总调查问卷中,55.5%的受访者声称有关于Covid-19的知识,44.4%的人指出他们通过社交媒体获得了这些知识。此外,聋人遇到的主要困难和听力在大流行期间人口受损的困难因此,为了充分的身体,心理和社会福祉,国家必须通过公共卫生措施将这些人口投入。



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