首页> 外文期刊>Acta Arachnologica >Distributions of a halophilous and a riparian species of harvestmen along Sendai River, Tottori City, with the first records of harvestmen in Tottori Sand Dunes

Distributions of a halophilous and a riparian species of harvestmen along Sendai River, Tottori City, with the first records of harvestmen in Tottori Sand Dunes




Distributions of a maritime harvestman, Psathyropus tenuipes and a riparian harvestman Paraumbogrella pumilio were investigated along the Sendai River, Tottori City, Honshu, Japan. Psathyropus tenuipes was found from the mouth of the river to the site 4 km upstream where slight salinity (0.1 PPT) was detected in the river. On the other hand, no specimens were found from the upstream sites where no salinity was detected.This indicates that the species needs at least a slight salinity for its occurrence. Paraumbogrella pumilio was found at five sites from the dry riverbed near the Shobu floodgate to a site on the right bank of Sendai River just upstream of Yachiyo Bridge. Occurrence of this species seems to be related to presence of open ground covered with lower grasses on the banks. Recently, the both species were also found from the right bank of the river mouth of Sendai River that is also a part of Tottori Sand Dunes. These are the first records of harvestmen from Tottori Sand Dunes.
机译:沿着仙台河,日本福田市,派出河,派出河,派出河,帕特罗博士和河岸收获员Pumilio的分布。 Psathyropus Tenuipes从河口到河口4公里的网站发现,在河里检测到轻微盐度(0.1 ppt)。另一方面,没有从检测到盐度没有盐度的上游部位发现标本。这表明物种需要至少需要盐度的发生。 Paraumboglella Pumilio在雪博河边的干燥河床附近的五个地点被发现,到仙台河右岸的一个地方,刚刚在羊皮大桥上游。这种物种的发生似乎与在银行上覆盖的开阔地面的存在有关。最近,两种物种也来自仙台河口的右岸,也是圆环沙丘的一部分。这些是来自鸟取沙丘的第一个收割师的记录。



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