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Experiences, impacts and mental health functioning during a COVID-19 outbreak and lockdown: Data from a diverse New York City sample of college students




In March 2020, New York City (NYC) experienced an outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) which resulted in a 78-day mass confinement of all residents other than essential workers. The aims of the current study were to (1) document the breadth of COVID-19 experiences and their impacts on college students of a minority-serving academic institution in NYC; (2) explore associations between patterns of COVID-19 experiences and psychosocial functioning during the prolonged lockdown, and (3) explore sex and racial/ethnic differences in COVID-19-related experiences and mental health correlates. A total of 909 ethnically and racially diverse students completed an online survey in May 2020. Findings highlight significant impediments to multiple areas of students’ daily life during this period (i.e., home life, work life, social environment, and emotional and physical health) and a vast majority reported heightened symptoms of depression and generalized anxiety. These life disruptions were significantly related to poorer mental health. Moreover, those who reported the loss of a close friend or loved one from COVID-19 (17%) experienced significantly more psychological distress than counterparts with other types of infection-related histories. Nonetheless, the majority (96%) reported at least one positive experience since the pandemic began. Our findings add to a growing understanding of COVID-19 impacts on psychological health and contribute the important perspective of the North American epicenter of the pandemic during the time frame of this investigation. We discuss how the results may inform best practices to support students’ well-being and serve as a benchmark for future studies of US student populations facing COVID-19 and its aftermath.
机译:2020年3月,纽约市(纽约市)经历了2019年冠状病毒疾病爆发(Covid-19),导致了78天的群众禁止基本工人以外的所有居民。目前研究的目的是(1)记录Covid-19经验的广度及其对纽约市少数民族学术机构的大学生的影响; (2)探索长期锁定期间Covid-19经验和心理社会功能的模式之间的关联,(3)探索Covid-19相关经验和心理健康的性别和种族/种族差异。共有909个种族和种族各种学生于2020年5月完成了在线调查。在此期间,调查结果强调了学生日常生活的多个领域的重大障碍(即家庭生活,工作人寿,社会环境和情感和身体健康)绝大多数报道抑郁症和广义焦虑的症状提高。这些寿命中断与较差的心理健康有关。此外,那些报告丧失密切朋友或从Covid-19(17%)的人而言的心理困扰明显多于与其他类型的感染相关历史的对应物。尽管如此,大多数(96%)报告了自大流行开始以来的至少一个积极体验。我们的研究结果增加了对Covid-19对心理健康影响的日益增长的了解,并在本调查时框架期间贡献了大流行的北美震中的重要视角。我们讨论了结果如何通知最佳实践,以支持学生的福祉,并作为未来研究美国学生人口面临Covid-19及其后果的基准。



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