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A world map of evidence-based medicine: Density equalizing mapping of the Cochrane database of systematic reviews




Systematic reviews represent the core and backbone of evidence-based medicine (EBM) strategies in all fields of medicine. In order to depict a first global sketch of the international efforts in the Cochrane database systematic reviews (CDSR), we analyzed the systematic reviews of the Cochrane database. Our global maps of systematic reviewing offer intriguing structural insights into the world of EBM strategies. They demonstrate that for the CDSR, the UK and Commonwealth countries take the lead position. Since patients, care providers and health systems all over the world benefit from systematic reviewing, institutions in other countries should increase their commitment.
机译:系统评价代表了所有医学领域的循证医学(EBM)策略的核心和骨干。 为了描绘Cochrane数据库系统评论(CDSR)中的国际努力的第一个全球草图,我们分析了Cochrane数据库的系统评价。 我们的系统审查全球地图为EBM战略的世界提供了有趣的结构见解。 他们证明,对于CDSR,英国和英联邦国家采取领先地位。 由于患者,护理提供者和卫生系统在世界各地的效益中受益于系统审查,其他国家的机构应该增加其承诺。



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