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Challenge and Threat: A Critical Review of the Literature and an Alternative Conceptualization




In this article, the authors describe a new theory, the Evaluative Space Approach to Challenge and Threat (ESACT). Prompted by the Biopsychosocial model of challenge and threat (BPS: Blascovich and Tomaka, 1996 ) and the development of the Theory of Challenge and Threat States in Athletes ( Jones et al., 2009 ), recent years have witnessed a considerable increase in research examining challenge and threat in sport. This manuscript provides a critical review of the literature examining challenge and threat in sport, tracing its historical development and some of the current empirical ambiguities. To reconcile some of these ambiguities, and utilizing neurobiological evidence associated with approach and avoidance motivation (c.f. Elliot and Covington, 2001 ), this paper draws upon the Evaluative Space Model (ESM; Cacioppo et al., 1997 ) and considers the implications for understanding challenge and threat in sport. For example, rather than see challenge and threat as opposite ends of a single bipolar continuum, the ESM implies that individuals could be (1) challenged, (2) threatened, (3) challenged and threatened, or (4) neither challenged or threatened by a particular stimulus. From this perspective, it could be argued that the appraisal of some sport situations as both challenging and threatening could be advantageous, whereas the current literature seems to imply that the appraisal of stress as a threat is maladaptive for performance. The ESACT provides several testable hypotheses for advancing understanding of challenge and threat (in sport) and we describe a number of measures that can be used to examine these hypotheses. In sum, this paper provides a significant theoretical, empirical, and practical contribution to our understanding of challenge and threat (in sport).
机译:在本文中,作者描述了一种新的理论,挑战和威胁(EACT)的评价空间方法。由挑战和威胁的生物心科学模型提示(BPS:Blascovich和Tomaka,1996)以及运动员挑战和威胁国家理论的发展(Jones等,2009),近年来一直在大幅增加的研究审查增加体育运动中的挑战和威胁。该稿件对体育挑战和威胁的文献审查,追踪其历史发展和目前的实证歧义。为了调和一些这些含糊的歧义,利用与方法和避免动机相关的神经生物学证据(CF Elliot和Covington,2001),这篇论文借鉴了评价空间模型(ESM; Cacioppo等,1997)并考虑了解理解的影响体育运动中的挑战和威胁。例如,而不是将挑战和威胁视为单一双极连续体的相对目的,而ESM意味着个人可能是(1)挑战,(2)受到威胁,(3)挑战和威胁,或(4)既不挑战或威胁通过特定的刺激。从这个角度来看,可以认为,一些运动情况的评估,因为挑战和威胁都可能是有利的,而目前的文献似乎暗示了对威胁的应力评估是适合性能的不适应。 ESACT提供了几个可测试的假设,以提高对挑战和威胁的理解(在体育中),我们描述了一些可用于检查这些假设的措施。总而言之,本文为我们对挑战和威胁的理解提供了重要的理论,实证和实践贡献。



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