首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in Psychology >Gain-Framed Messaging for Promoting Adult Sport: Examining the Effects of Efficacy-Enhancing Information

Gain-Framed Messaging for Promoting Adult Sport: Examining the Effects of Efficacy-Enhancing Information




Sport is a potential venue for more middle-aged adults to engage in sufficient physical activity for health benefits. Little is known about whether messaging interventions can motivate sport activity. This experiment tested the impact of gain-framed messaging (i.e., information about the benefits of doing adult sport) based on the inclusion (or lack thereof) of efficacy-enhancing information. Adults (30–69 years-old) were randomly assigned to experimental (a 4-min online video of “Gain-framed messages alone,” or “Gain-framed plus efficacy-enhancing messages”) or control conditions. Participants ( N = 232; 62.5% female) completed baseline measures for intentions, barrier and scheduling self-efficacy, outcomes expectancies (OEs), sport behavior and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, received their condition 1-week later, reported measures immediately after, and 1-month later. Results showed no differences between the experimental conditions, indicating there was no advantage of supplemental efficacy-enhancing information compared to gain-framed messages alone. When the two messaging groups were collapsed, they showed significant increases for OEs related to travel, social affiliation, and stress relief immediately following experimental exposure, compared to the control group. Overall, there were few benefits attributed to messaging and no effects on self-reported sport registration or sport behavior. Discussion focuses on future messaging considerations that may more effectively motivate adult sport participation.
机译:体育是更多中年成年人的潜在场所,以获得足够的健康福利的身体活动。众所周知,消息传递干预是否可以激励运动活动。该实验基于申请增长信息的纳入(或缺乏)的含义(或缺乏成人体育的益处的福利信息)的影响。成年人(30-69岁)被随机分配到实验(仅仅是一个4分钟的“获得框架信息,”或“增益框架和效率增强消息”)或控制条件。参与者(n = 232; 62.5%的女性)完成了意图,屏障和调度自我效能的基线措施,结果预期(OES),体育行为和中等剧烈的身体活动,在一周后获得了其条件,报告了措施之后立即,1个月后。结果显示实验条件之间没有差异,表明与单独的增益帧消息相比,没有补充效率增强信息的优势。与对照组相比,当两个消息传递组崩溃时,它们对与实验暴露后立即有关的OES与旅行,社会联系和压力救济有关的显着增加。总体而言,归因于消息传递和对自我报告的体育登记或运动行为的影响很少。讨论侧重于未来的消息传递考虑因素,可能更有效地激励成人体育参与。



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