首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in Psychology >Are Empty-Nest Elders Unhappy? Re-examining Chinese Empty-Nest Elders’ Subjective Well-Being Considering Social Changes

Are Empty-Nest Elders Unhappy? Re-examining Chinese Empty-Nest Elders’ Subjective Well-Being Considering Social Changes

机译:空洞的长老是不开心的吗? 重新审查中国空洞长老的主观幸福,考虑社会变革



Aging, the one-child policy, and migration have altered Chinese family structure and the number of empty-nest elders is increasing. Since living without children runs in the opposite direction of filial piety, empty-nest elders have typically been negatively viewed and depicted as unhappy. However, individualization and the unbalanced development of China may decrease the impact of children but increase the impact of the spouse and rural-urban gaps on elders’ well-being. Therefore this study re-examined the subjective well-being of empty-nest elders considering these social changes. Participants ( N = 765; age range = 60–94 years, M age = 70.25 years, SD age = 7.85; men = 45%) were recruited from two large cities, two small cities, and two rural areas in China. Elders’ subjective well-being was measured by the Memorial University of Newfoundland Scale of Happiness–Chinese version. Results showed that participants were happy on average; empty-nest elders were not unhappier than non-empty-nest elders. Elders living without a spouse and rural elders had a high risk of being unhappy. Policymakers should thus shift their attention from empty-nest families to the widowed and rural elders.
机译:老龄化,单孩子政策和移民改变了中国家庭结构,空洞长老的数量正在增加。由于没有孩子的生活在孝道的相反方向上奔跑,空洞长老通常被否定并被描绘为不满意。然而,个性化和中国不平衡的发展可能会降低儿童的影响,但增加配偶和农村城市差距对长老福祉的影响。因此,考虑到这些社会变革,这项研究重新审查了空洞长老的主观福祉。参与者(n = 765;年龄范围= 60-94岁,M龄= 70.25岁,SD Age = 7.85; MEN = 45%)被招募了来自中国的两个大城市,两个小城市和两个农村地区。长老的主观幸福是由纽芬兰幸福的幸福大学纪念大学来衡量。结果表明,参与者平均愉快;空洞的长老比非空洞长老不快乐。没有配偶和农村长老的长老居住的风险很高。因此,政策制定者应该将他们的注意力从空洞的家庭转移到丧偶和农村长老。



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