首页> 外文期刊>E3S Web of Conferences >Artemisia scoparia Waldst. & Kit. and Artemisia annua L. in the collection of aromatic and medicinal plants of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden

Artemisia scoparia Waldst. & Kit. and Artemisia annua L. in the collection of aromatic and medicinal plants of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden

机译:Artemisia Scoparia Waldst。 & 成套工具。 和Artemisia Annua L.在Nikitsky Botanical Garden的芳香和药用植物的收集中



The article presents the results of the study of Artemisia scoparia Waldst. & Kit. (paniculate wormwood) and Artemisia annua L. (annual wormwood), grown in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden - National Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (NBG-NSC RAS). The Nikitsky Botanical Garden is the originator of Artemisia scoparia cv. varieties. Tavrida and Artemisia annua cv. Novichok, which are included in the Register of varieties of Russia allowed for distribution in the south of Russia. Both varieties are of interest as resource varieties having a significant potential for use as sources of essential oil, biologically active compounds, as well as aromatic and medicinal. Analysis of samples of the aboveground part of plants showed that the maximum content of essential oil in Artemisia scoparia accumulates at the end of flowering (1.78±0.15% of the dry weight), and in Artemisia annua – at the beginning of flowering (2.95-3.14% of the dry weight). In addition, the essential oil of Artemisia scoparia is a valuable source of polyacetylene compounds (capillin, capillene), and the aboveground part of Artemisia annua is a source of artemisinin sesquiterpene lactone.
机译:本文介绍了艾蒿的研究结果。 &成套工具。 (狂暴)和Artemisia Annua L.(年度蒿家),在Nikitsky Botanical Garden - 俄罗斯科学院国家科学中心(NBG-NSC RAS)。 Nikitsky Botanical Garden是Artemisia Scoparia CV的发起人。品种。 Tavrida和Artemisia Annua CV。 Novichok,其中包括在俄罗斯品种的寄存器中,允许在俄罗斯南部分发。这两种品种都是兴趣,因为资源品种具有重要潜力,其用作精油,生物活性化合物的来源以及芳族和药物。植物地上部分样品的分析表明,蒿菌的精油最高含量在开花的末端积累(干重的1.78±0.15%),在开花开始时(2.95- 31.14%的干重)。此外,Artemisia Scoparia的精油是聚乙炔化合物(Capillin,Capillens)的宝贵来源,而Artemisia Annua的地上部分是阿尔米斯蛋白酪蛋白萜烯内酯的源。



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