
Every Calling Is a Challenge




E arlier I wrote that Oliver Wendell Holmes said, “Every calling is great when greatly pursued.” That is the key, isn’t it? Interesting words, “greatly pursued”.Obviously, it isn’t easy regardless of how hard a person works to facilitate change.I have wondered at times should I publish one professional article every month in the PEPonline journal or should it be two or three articles? Is it even necessary to write yet another article to get someone interested in ASEP? Maybe tradition dictates a time factor that is hard to understand, just like the positive relationship between exercise and health.Hippocrates said in the 5th century BC, “Eating alone will not keep a man well; he must also take exercise.” Yet, what percent of Americans engage in regular exercise to keep well.
机译:e Arlier我写道,Oliver Wendell Holmes说:“当大大追求时,每一个呼唤都很棒。” 那是关键,不是吗? 有趣的话语,“大大追求”。无论一个人如何促进改变,它都不容易。我有时想知道我是否应该在Peponline Journal中每月发布一个专业文章,或者应该是两三个 文章? 甚至是必要写另一篇文章,让某人对ASEP感兴趣吗? 也许传统决定了一个难以理解的时间因素,就像运动与健康之间的积极关系一样。菲律宾物在公元前5世纪说:“独自吃东西不会留下一个人; 他还必须锻炼身体。“ 然而,美国人的百分之百分比常规锻炼能够保持良好。



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