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Collaborative Filtering Auto-Encoders for Technical Patent Recommending




To find the exact items from the massive patent resources for users is a matter of great urgency. Although the recommender systems have shot this problem to a certain extent, there are still some challenging problems, such as tracking user interests and improving the recommendation quality when the rating matrix is extremely sparse. In this paper, we propose a novel method called Collaborative Filtering Auto-Encoder for the top-N recommendation. This method employs Auto-Encoders to extract the item's features, converts a high-dimensional sparse vector into a low-dimensional dense vector, and then uses the dense vector for similarity calculation. At the same time, to make the recommendation list closer to the user's recent interests, we divide the recommendation weight into time-based and recent similarity-based weights. In fact, the proposed method is an improved, item-based collaborative filtering model with more flexible components. Experimental results show that the method consistently outperforms state-of-the-art top-N recommendation methods by a significant margin on standard evaluation metrics.



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