首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research >Isolated Fracture of the Corpus Spongiosum- A Rare Case with Atypical Presentation and Diagnostic Role of MRI

Isolated Fracture of the Corpus Spongiosum- A Rare Case with Atypical Presentation and Diagnostic Role of MRI

机译:菌栽菌骨折的分离的骨折 - 一种罕见的案例,具有非典型呈现和MRI的诊断作用



Penile fractures occur due to rupture of the corpora cavernosum or tunica albuginea secondary to blunt or sexual trauma to the erect penis.They typically present with rapid detumescence of the penis, with pain, swelling and ecchymosis.Approximately 10-20% of penile fractures involve the urethra.The report presents a 28-years-old male patient that complained of per-urethral bleeding, following an injury to an erect penis.With the help of MRI and intra-operative cystoscopy, found that the injury exclusively involved corpus spongiosum.He subsequently underwent a penile exploration and repair of the spongiosal defect.At one year follow up, he had normal erections with no per-urethral bleed.This is a rare form of presentation of penile fractures with only a few cases reported in literature.Surgical exploration remains the gold standard and early exploration is recommended to avoid erectile dysfunction, corporal fibrosis and urethral strictures and MRI is an useful adjunct.
机译:由于Corpora Cavernosum或Tunica Albuginea的破裂发生了阴茎骨折发生,钝化或性创伤到直立的Penis.They通常存在于阴茎的快速脱发,疼痛,肿胀和繁殖。占10-20%的阴茎骨折涉及 尿道。该报告展示了一名28岁的男性患者,抱怨每次尿道出血,这是对勃起的植被伤害。在MRI和术中膀胱镜检查的帮助下,发现损伤专门涉及语料库。 他随后经历了阴茎探索和修复水肺缺陷。一年后,他患上了正常的勃起,没有每尿尿道漏血。这是一种罕见的阴茎骨折呈现形式,只有少数案例在文学中报告。钱 探索仍然是黄金标准和早期勘探建议避免勃起功能障碍,人类纤维化和尿道狭窄,MRI是一个有用的附属物。



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