首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research >Study of Parasitic Infection in Immunosuppressive Patients and its Association with the Socio-demographic Status

Study of Parasitic Infection in Immunosuppressive Patients and its Association with the Socio-demographic Status




In developing countries, immunosuppressive patients are at greater risk of parasitic infection which may cause morbidity and mortality.Socio-economic and environmental factors including lack of health hygiene in close contact with infected reservoir animal which plays an important role.Aim: To determine the prevalence of parasitic infections and their association with socio-demographic status.Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study which was carried out at tertiary care hospital located in Central East India.Total 120 stool samples were collected from the immunosuppressive patients and were processed using direct wet mount preparation with saline and Lugol, formalin-ether concentration and Modified Ziehl-Neelsen stain.Different socio-demographic parameters were recorded.Statistical analysis was done using Graph Pad Prism version 8 Chi-square test.The p-value ≤0.05 was considered as statistically significant Results: Out of total 120 patients, 20 (16.7%) were found to be infected.Majority of the population were males (66.7%).Among the total positive samples, 75% (15) showed the presence of Protozoa in which 10 samples had Entamoeba histolytica.The presence of Helminths was found in 25% (5), in which three samples showed Ascaris lumbricoides and two had Taenia species (10%).Conclusion: The prevalence of parasitic infection among immunosuppressive patients in the present study was 16.7%.Entamoeba histolytica was the most commonly observed parasite.There was no significant association between prevalence of parasitic infections and socio-demographic data variables.
机译:在发展中国家,免疫抑制患者的寄生感染风险较大,可能导致发病率和死亡率。社会经济和环境因素,包括缺乏健康卫生,与受感染的储层动物密切接触,这起到了重要作用的影响:确定患病率寄生感染及其与社会人口状况的关联。材料与方法:这是在位于印度中部的第三节护理医院进行的横截面研究。从免疫抑制患者收集零120凳子样本并加工使用用盐水和卢瓦尔的直接湿式安装制剂,记录福尔马林 - 醚浓度和改性的Ziehl-neelsen染色。使用图形Pad Prism版本8 Chi-Square Test进行了分类分析。P值≤0.05被认为是统计学上显着的结果:超过120例患者,发现20名(16.7%)受感染的人群的麦克脂(66.7%)。在总阳性样品中,75%(15)显示出原生动物的存在,其中10个样品具有entamoeba组织olytica。在25%(5)中发现了Helminths的存在,其中三个样品显示蛔虫肉瘤,两种样品患有绦虫(10%)。结论:本研究中免疫抑制患者中寄生虫感染的患病率为16.7%。不列颠组织溶解是最常见的寄生虫。之间是最常见的寄生虫。寄生感染和社会人口统计数据变量的患病率。



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