首页> 外文期刊>PLoS Computational Biology >Evidence for spreading seizure as a cause of theta-alpha activity electrographic pattern in stereo-EEG seizure recordings

Evidence for spreading seizure as a cause of theta-alpha activity electrographic pattern in stereo-EEG seizure recordings

机译:将癫痫发作的证据作为立体 - 脑电图癫痫发作录制中θ-alpha活性拍摄模式的原因



Intracranial electroencephalography is a standard tool in clinical evaluation of patients with focal epilepsy. Various early electrographic seizure patterns differing in frequency, amplitude, and waveform of the oscillations are observed. The pattern most common in the areas of seizure propagation is the so-called theta-alpha activity (TAA), whose defining features are oscillations in the θ ? α range and gradually increasing amplitude. A deeper understanding of the mechanism underlying the generation of the TAA pattern is however lacking. In this work we evaluate the hypothesis that the TAA patterns are caused by seizures spreading across the cortex. To do so, we perform simulations of seizure dynamics on detailed patient-derived cortical surfaces using the spreading seizure model as well as reference models with one or two homogeneous sources. We then detect the occurrences of the TAA patterns both in the simulated stereo-electroencephalographic signals and in the signals of recorded epileptic seizures from a cohort of fifty patients, and we compare the features of the groups of detected TAA patterns to assess the plausibility of the different models. Our results show that spreading seizure hypothesis is qualitatively consistent with the evidence available in the seizure recordings, and it can explain the features of the detected TAA groups best among the examined models.
机译:颅内脑电图是临床评估患者患者癫痫患者的标准工具。观察到各种早期张开振动图案,其频率,幅度和振动的波形不同。在癫痫发作传播区域中最常见的模式是所谓的θ-alpha活动(Taa),其定义特征是θ中的振荡? α范围和逐渐增加幅度。然而,对TaA模式产生的机制更深入地了解。在这项工作中,我们评估了TaA模式是由癫痫发散在皮层蔓延的假设。为此,我们使用扩散癫痫发作模型以及具有一个或两个均匀源的参考模型来对详细的患者衍生的皮质表面进行癫痫发作动力学的模拟。然后,我们检测模拟立体脑电图信号中的TAA模式的发生,以及从五十名患者的队列中记录的癫痫发作的信号,我们比较了检测到的TAA模式组的特征,以评估符合性的合理性不同的型号。我们的研究结果表明,扩散癫痫发作假设与缉获录音中可用的证据具有定性符合,并且可以解释检测到的TAA群体中的特征是在检查的模型中最佳。



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