首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in Psychology >Topic Specificity and Antecedents for Preservice Biology Teachers’ Anticipated Enjoyment for Teaching About Socioscientific Issues: Investigating Universal Values and Psychological Distance

Topic Specificity and Antecedents for Preservice Biology Teachers’ Anticipated Enjoyment for Teaching About Socioscientific Issues: Investigating Universal Values and Psychological Distance




Enjoyment for teaching represents one of the most frequently reported teaching emotions and positively affects student outcomes. Therefore, researchers and teacher educators need to understand its nature and underlying appraisal processes to prepare motivated teachers in initial teacher education. Using cross-sectional questionnaire data from 189 German biology pre-service teachers (73.5 % female, Mage = 23.45 years, SDage = 3.71) we empirically tested the topic-specific structure and antecedents of the participants’ anticipated enjoyment for teaching. We adapted the established teacher emotion scales (TES) to measure pre-service teachers’ trait-based enjoyment for teaching by reframing the items with the environmental socio-scientific issues of returning wolves and climate change, and the health socio-scientific issue of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) confirmed the best fit of a topic specific model. We also found different correlations for the anticipated enjoyment for teaching about the issues, but no significant mean differences. Concerning further topic-specific antecedents, the environmentally oriented universal value of universalism predicted the anticipated enjoyment for teaching about returning wolves and the socially oriented universal value of benevolence predicted the anticipated enjoyment for teaching about pre-implantation genetic diagnosis. Both values inconsistently predicted the anticipated enjoyment for teaching about climate change. While this is in line with the complex nature of this socio-scientific issue, psychological distance was a predictor for the anticipated enjoyment for teaching about every topic. While these effects remained stable when controlling for demographic variables, male participants showed a higher anticipated enjoyment for teaching about wolves and climate change, and female pre-service teachers for teaching about pre-implantation genetic diagnosis. Further studies are needed to investigate if the results can be transferred to in-service teachers or to other teaching emotions. Furthermore, future studies could examine effects on other factors relevant for teaching emotions such reactions to student behavior, which have been described as central for the causation of teaching emotions in prior studies (i.e. ‘reciprocal model of teaching emotions’). The present study stimulates such new studies and adds important knowledge to the understanding of topic specificity and topic-specific antecedents of anticipated enjoyment for teaching, which are relevant for teacher education and professional development.
机译:享受教学代表了最常见的教学情绪之一,积极影响学生结果。因此,研究人员和教师教育者需要了解其性质和潜在的评估流程,以准备初始教师教育的动机教师。利用来自189名德国生物学的横断面问卷数据(73.5%的女性,法师= 23.45岁,Sdage = 3.71)我们经验经验测试了与参与者的教学的预期享受的专题结构和前因。我们改编了既定的教师情感秤(TES),以衡量服务前的教师的特质,以通过恢复狼和气候变化的环境社会科学问题,以及预先的卫生社会科学问题 - 植物遗传诊断。确认因素分析(CFA)确认了特定模型的最佳拟合。我们还发现了对预期享受的不同相关性,以便对问题的教学,但没有显着的平均差异。关于进一步的话题特定的前书,环保的普遍性普遍价值预测了对返回狼的教学的预期享受,仁慈的社会导向普遍价值预测了对植入前遗传诊断教学的预期享受。两个价值观不一致地预测预期享受,以教导气候变化。虽然这符合这一社会科学问题的复杂性,但心理距离是预期享受对每个主题教学的预测因素。虽然当控制人口变量时,这些效果保持稳定,但是男性参与者对教学教学和气候变化教学,而女性的职业教师教师仍然存在较高的预期享受。需要进一步研究来调查结果是否可以转移到服务员的教师或其他教学情绪。此外,未来的研究可以审查对对教学情绪的其他因素的影响,这些因素是对学生行为的影响,这些因素被描述为在先前研究中的教学情绪的因果关系中被描述(即'教学情绪的互惠模式')。本研究刺激了这种新研究,并为对教学教学的预期享受和专题特定的前进的理解提供了重要知识,这与教师教育和专业发展有关。



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