首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Psychology >Archetype Reconfiguration of Sun Wukong’s Movie IP in Monkey King: Hero Is Back

Archetype Reconfiguration of Sun Wukong’s Movie IP in Monkey King: Hero Is Back




《西游记之大圣归来》在古典名著《西游记》基础上,将孙悟空重塑为契合当下时代精神和民族文化的超级影视IP。本文从荣格的原型视角具体解析《大圣归来》中孙悟空人物形象通过原型嬗变:涅槃重生之战士原型、师徒情深之儿童原型和自我救赎之自由者原型,唤醒人类集体潜意识中自由和成长情结,从而激发个人对自由和成长的追求渴望。 Monkey King: Hero Is Back has reconfigured Sun wukong based on the classical novel Journey to the West as a new super movie IP with the spiritual core of the time and cultural connotations. This paper analyzes the archetype reconfiguration of Monkey King from the archetypal perspective of Jung: the reborn warrior, the child archetype with the deep emotion between teacher and pupil and the free archetype of self-redemption to evoke freedom and growth complex of human collective unconsciousness, aiming to improve personal pursuit of that.
机译:《西游记之大圣归来》在古典名著《西游记》基础上,将孙悟空重塑为契合当下时代精神和民族文化的超级影视IP。本文从荣格的原型视角具体解析《大圣归来》中孙悟空人物形象通过原型嬗变:涅槃重生之战士原型、师徒情深之儿童原型和自我救赎之自由者原型,唤醒人类集体潜意识中自由和成长情结,从而激发个人对自由和成长的追求渴望。 Monkey King: Hero Is Back has reconfigured Sun wukong based on the classical novel Journey to the West as a new super movie IP with the spiritual core of the time and cultural connotations. This paper analyzes the archetype reconfiguration of Monkey King from the archetypal perspective of Jung: the reborn warrior, the child archetype with the deep emotion between teacher and pupil and the free archetype of self-redemption to evoke freedom and growth complex of human collective unconsciousness, aiming to improve personal pursuit of that.




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