首页> 外文期刊>Scientific reports. >Rice plants overexpressing OsEPF1 show reduced stomatal density and increased root cortical aerenchyma formation

Rice plants overexpressing OsEPF1 show reduced stomatal density and increased root cortical aerenchyma formation




Stomata are adjustable pores in the aerial epidermis of plants. The role of stomata is usually described in terms of the trade-off between COsub2/sub uptake and water loss. Little consideration has been given to their interaction with below-ground development or diffusion of other gases. We overexpressed the rice EPIDERMAL PATTERNING FACTOR1 (OsEPF1) to produce rice plants with reduced stomatal densities, resulting in lowered leaf stomatal conductance and enhanced water use efficiency. Surprisingly, we found that root cortical aerenchyma (RCA) is formed constitutively in OsEPF1OE lines regardless of tissue age and position. Aerenchyma is tissue containing air-spaces that can develop in the plant root during stressful conditions, e.g. oxygen deficiency when it functions to increase Osub2/sub diffusion from shoot to root. The relationship with stomata is unknown. We conclude that RCA development and stomatal development are linked by two possible mechanisms: first that reduced stomatal conductance inhibits the diffusion of oxygen to the root, creating an oxygen deficit and stimulating the formation of RCA, second that an unknown EPF signalling pathway may be involved. Our observations have fundamental implications for the understanding of whole plant gas diffusion and root-to-shoot signalling events.
机译:气孔是植物的空中表皮中的可调节毛孔。气孔的作用通常根据CO 2 / SUB>摄取和水损之间的折衷而描述。已经考虑了与地面地面开发或其他气体的扩散的互动。我们过表达水稻表皮图案化因子1(OSEPF1)以生产气孔密度降低的水稻植物,导致叶片气孔导电和增强的水使用效率。令人惊讶的是,我们发现根皮质氧冷yema(RCA)在OSEPF1OE线中构成型成分,而不管组织年龄和位置如何。 erenchyma是含有空间的组织,其在施加压力条件下可以在植物根系中发育,例如,缺氧缺氧当其运用以增加O 2 从拍摄到根部的扩散。与气孔的关系是未知的。我们得出结论,RCA开发和气孔发育是由两种可能的机制相关联的:首先,降低的气孔电导抑制氧气扩散到根部,产生氧缺水并刺激RCA的形成,第二次可能涉及未知的EPF信号传导途径。我们的观察结果对于了解整个植物气体扩散和根到射击信号传导事件具有根本意义。



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