首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research >Anecdote from Editors Desk Anecdote 6- A Curious Case of Ethical Misconduct

Anecdote from Editors Desk Anecdote 6- A Curious Case of Ethical Misconduct




Few weeks back, I was invited to review a case report (article A) bythe Editorial team of Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research(JCDR). It was an international submission that dealt with cochlearimplant candidacy in two children with relatively uncommon clinicalsituations of bilateral cochlear dysplasia associated with multipledysplasia/hypoplasia/aplasia of the vestibular system, vestibulo-cochlear nerve and facial nerve. These are known challenges fora cochlear implant surgical team regarding decision-making andthe surgical procedure itself, and thus the article promised aninteresting read. While midway in the review process, I receivedanother e-mail from JCDR requesting me to review a second article(article B) which, according to the Editorial Assistant who seemedlittle alarmed and confused, had the same authors as in article A andhad some overlapping imaging and clinical description. I acceptedthe review request and went on to review and compare both thearticles simultaneously. Both the articles were de-identified by thejournal while being sent to me.
机译:回来几周,我被邀请审查临床和诊断研究杂志(JCDR)的编辑团队的案例报告(第A版)。这是一个国际提交,在两个儿童中涉及两个孩子的诊所候选性,其与前庭体系的多平面耳蜗或applasia / aplasia相关的双侧耳蜗发育不良的临床诊断,前庭耳蜗神经和面神经。这些是有关决策和手术程序本身的耳蜗植入外科手术团队的挑战,因此文章承诺读取读取。虽然中途在审查过程中,我从JCDR获得了电子邮件,要求我审查第二篇文章(第b),这是根据似乎不足和困惑的编辑助理的审查,这是一个与文章中的同样的作者有些重叠成像和临床描述。我接受了审查请求并继续同时审查并比较两个螺旋。在发送给我时,这些文章都被学说通过了。



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