首页> 外文期刊>International journal of infectious diseases : >Analysis of the predictive factors for a critical illness of COVID-19 during treatment - relationship between serum zinc level and critical illness of COVID-19 ?

Analysis of the predictive factors for a critical illness of COVID-19 during treatment - relationship between serum zinc level and critical illness of COVID-19 ?

机译:治疗过程中Covid-19危重疾病的预测因素分析 - 血清锌水平与Covid-19危重疾病的关系吗?



Objectives Because most severely ill patients with COVID-19 in our hospital showed zinc deficiency, we aimed to examine the relationship between the patient’s serum zinc level and severe cases of COVID-19. Methods Serum zinc 70 μg/dL was defined as the criterion for hypozincemia, and patients continuously with serum zinc 70 μg/dL were classified in the hypozincemia cohort. To evaluate whether hypozincemia could be a predictive factor for a critical illness of COVID-19, we performed a multivariate analysis by employing logistic regression analysis. Results Prolonged hypozincemia was found to be a risk factor for a severe case of COVID-19. In evaluating the relationship between the serum zinc level and severity of patients with COVID-19 by multivariate logistic regression analysis, critical illness can be predicted through the sensitivity and false specificity of a ROC curve with an error rate of 10.3% and AUC of 94.2% by only two factors: serum zinc value ( P = 0.020) and LDH value ( P = 0.026). Conclusions Proper management of the prediction results in this study can contribute to establishing and maintaining a safe medical system, taking the arrival of the second wave, and the spread of COVID-19 in the future into consideration.
机译:目标是因为在我们医院中的Covid-19患者最严重的患者表现出缺锌,我们旨在研究患者血清锌水平与Covid-19严重病例之间的关系。方法将血清锌<70μg/ dL定义为哌嗪血症的标准,患者连续用血清锌<70μg/ d1分类为哌苏血症队列。为了评估丘脑血症是否可能是Covid-19临界疾病的预测因素,我们通过采用物流回归分析进行多元分析。结果发现延长脓血症是Covid-19严重情况的危险因素。在通过多变量逻辑回归分析评估Covid-19患者的血清锌水平和严重程度的关系时,可以通过ROC曲线的敏感性和假特异性来预测危重疾病,错误率为10.3%,AUC为94.2%只有两个因素:血清锌值(P = 0.020)和LDH值(P = 0.026)。结论本研究中的预测结果适当管理可以有助于建立和维护安全的医疗系统,从而考虑未来的第二波的到来,以及Covid-19的传播。



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