首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Formosan Medical Association =: Taiwan yi zhi >Towards elimination of viral hepatitis in Taiwan by 2025: In memory of Professor Ding-Shinn Chen (1943–2020)

Towards elimination of viral hepatitis in Taiwan by 2025: In memory of Professor Ding-Shinn Chen (1943–2020)




Global elimination of hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) by 2030 as set by the World Health Organization (WHO) is an ambitious task with huge amount of work. To reach this goal, we need reliable diagnostic assays and available cost-effective actions. These actions include the implementation of universal HBV vaccination and antiviral therapy for highly viremic HBV mothers during their third trimester to prevent mother-to-child transmission (MTCT); screening blood donor for both HBV and HCV; safe injec- tion; strict infection control to reduce the burden of HBV and HCV infections; and antiviral therapy for those in need. In 2017, the WHO conducted a survey in 194 Member States and 135 (70%) responded as follows: 84 (62%) had a national plan, of which, 49 (58%) had dedicated funding, and 62 (46%) had engaged with civil societies; those worked with civil societies were more likely to secure a funded plan than others. Therefore, Member States need to finance these national strategies and ensure that viral hepatitis patients have access to hepatitis services as part of efforts to ach- ieve universal health coverage. 1 An investigation on high- income countries showed that even with the introduction of safe and effective HCV regimens, 80% of these countries were not on track to meet HCV elimination goals by 2030. 2 Taken together, immediate actions to improve HCV screening and treatment are thus needed to make HCV elimination possible.
机译:全球消除乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)和丙型肝炎病毒(HCV),由世界卫生组织(世卫组织)设定为2030年,是一个雄心勃勃的任务,具有巨大的工作。为了实现这一目标,我们需要可靠的诊断测定和可用的成本效益行动。这些行动包括在其第三个三个月期间对高病毒生物HBV母亲进行通用HBV疫苗接种和抗病毒治疗,以防止母婴传输(MTCT);筛选HBV和HCV的血液供体;安全注重;严格的感染控制,减少HBV和HCV感染的负担;和需要的人的抗病毒治疗。 2017年,世卫组织在194年成员国进行了调查,135(70%)应对如下:84(62%)有国家计划,其中49名(58%)致力于资金,62名(46%)曾与民间社会进行过;与民间社会合作的人更有可能获得资金计划比其他计划。因此,会员国需要为这些国家战略提供资助,并确保病毒性肝炎患者可获得肝炎服务,作为ACH- ICALE的努力。 1关于高收入国家的调查表明,即使在引入安全有效的HCV方案,80%的国家也不是以追踪2030年达到HCV消除目标的.2,即立即采取的措施改善HCV筛查和治疗因此需要使HCV消除可能。



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