首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy >Complete active-reactive power resource scheduling of smart distribution system with high penetration of distributed energy resources

Complete active-reactive power resource scheduling of smart distribution system with high penetration of distributed energy resources

机译:具有高渗透分布能源的智能配电系统的完整主动 - 无功功率资源调度



In traditional power systems, besides the conventional power plants that provide the necessary reactive power in transmission system, the shunt capacitors along with the tap changers of transformers are also employed in distribution networks. In future years, because of the high number of distributed resources integrated into the distribution networks, it will be essential to schedule complete active-reactive power at distribution level. In this research work, an economic framework based on the active-reactive power bids has been developed for complete active-reactive power dispatch scheduling of smart distribution networks. The economical complete active-reactive power scheduling approach suggested in this study motivates distributed energy resources (DERs) to cooperate in both active power markets and the Volt/Var control scheme. To this end, using DER's reactive power capability, a generic framework of reactive power offers for DERs is extracted. A 22-bus distribution test system is implemented to verify the impressiveness of the suggested active-reactive power scheduling approach.
机译:在传统的动力系统中,除了在传动系统中提供必要的无功功率的传统发电厂之外,分流网络还采用了分流电容器以及变压器的抽头转换器。在未来几年中,由于集成到分销网络的分布式资源大量,因此必须在分配级别安排完整的主动无功功率。在这项研究工作中,已经开发了基于主动反应电力投标的经济框架,以实现智能配送网络的完整主动反应电源调度调度。本研究中建议的经济上完整的主动无功功率调度方法激励分布式能源(DER)在有源电力市场和VOLV / VAL控制方案中进行配合。为此,使用DER的无功功率能力,提取了DER的无功功率提供的通用框架。实施了22柱分配测试系统以验证建议的主动无功功率调度方法的令人印象深点。



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