首页> 外文期刊>Tropical Grasslands-Forrajes Tropicales >Terra Ronca State Park: A potential natural Cratylia argentea (Desv.) Kuntze conservation area in Goiás, Brazil

Terra Ronca State Park: A potential natural Cratylia argentea (Desv.) Kuntze conservation area in Goiás, Brazil

机译:Terra Ronca State Park:巴西Goiás的潜在天然Cratylea argentea(DESV)kuntze保护区



Cratylia argentea (cratília) is a neo-tropical leguminous plant with high resprouting ability, showing great potential as both an animal feed and to fertilize the soil through its N-fixing ability. During scientific expeditions carried out in 2016 to identify and collect germplasm in different states of Brazil, the Terra Ronca State Park (PETeR) stood out as a potential conservation area for this species. There, cratília is well adapted to the dry season, retaining green leaves even during extended dry periods and was found to develop a shrub or climbing habit, depending on light conditions. In the traditional cattle production systems of the region livestock readily consume cratília , making it an important asset for local inhabitants. Based on several populations identified and collected in PETeR, the value of traditional knowledge and use of cratília is discussed as is the potential role of the Park as an in situ conservation unit.
机译:Cratylia Argentea(Cratília)是一个新热带豆科植物,具有高的研磨能力,呈现出极大的潜力,作为动物饲料,通过其N定影能力施肥土壤。在2016年进行的科学探险期间,在巴西的不同状态下识别和收集种质,Terra Ronca State Park(彼得)作为该物种的潜在保护区。在那里,Cratília适应干燥的季节,即使在延长的干燥期间留下绿色的叶子,并且发现灌木或攀爬习惯,具体取决于光线条件。在该地区的传统牛生产系统中,牲畜容易消耗Cratília,使其成为当地居民的重要资产。根据彼得鉴定和收集的几个人群,讨论了传统知识和使用奇特利亚的价值,这是公园作为原位保护单位的潜在作用。



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