首页> 外文期刊>Universe >Magnetized Particle Motion around Black Holes in Conformal Gravity: Can Magnetic Interaction Mimic Spin of Black Holes?

Magnetized Particle Motion around Black Holes in Conformal Gravity: Can Magnetic Interaction Mimic Spin of Black Holes?




Magnetized particle motion around black holes in conformal gravity immersed in asymptotically uniform magnetic field has been studied. We have also analyzed the behavior of magnetic fields near the horizon of the black hole in conformal gravity and shown that with the increase of conformal parameters L and N the value of angular component of magnetic field at the stellar surface decreases. The maximum value of the effective potential corresponding to circular motion of the magnetized particle increases with the increase of conformal parameters. It is shown that in all cases of neutral, charged and magnetized particle collisions in the black hole environment the center-of-mass energy decreases with the increase of conformal parameters L and N . In the case of the magnetized and negatively charged particle collisions, the innermost collision point with the maximum center-of-mass energy comes closer to the central object due to the effects of the parameters of the conformal gravity. We have applied the results to the real astrophysical scenario when a pulsar treated as a magnetized particle is orbiting the super massive black hole (SMBH) Sgr A* in the center of our galaxy in order to obtain the estimation of magnetized compact object’s orbital parameter. The possible detection of pulsar in Sgr A* close environment can provide constraints on black hole parameters. Here we have shown that there is degeneracy between spin of SMBH and ambient magnetic field and consequently the interaction of magnetic field ~ 10 2 Gauss with magnetic moment of magnetized neutron star can in principle mimic spin of Kerr black holes up to 0.6 .
机译:已经研究了浸入渐近均匀磁场中的保形重力的黑洞周围的磁化颗粒运动。我们还在共形重力中分析了黑洞地平线附近的磁场的行为,并表明,随着保形参数L的增加,恒星表面处的磁场的角分量的值减小。与磁化粒子的圆周运动相对应的有效电位的最大值随着保形参数的增加而增加。结果表明,在黑洞环境中的所有中性,带电和磁化颗粒碰撞中,质量中心随着保形参数L和N的增加而降低。在磁化和带负电的颗粒碰撞的情况下,由于共形重力的参数的效果,具有最大质量能量的最大质量能量的最内部碰撞点更靠近中心对象。当被视为磁化颗粒的脉冲条是在我们的银河系的中心轨道的脉冲开始时,我们将结果应用于真实的天体物理场景。为了获得磁化紧凑型物体的轨道参数的估计,将超大巨大的黑洞(SMBH)SGR A *替换为磁化的紧凑型物体参数。 SGR A *关闭环境中的Pulsar的可能检测可以在黑洞参数提供限制。在这里,我们已经表明,SMBH和环境磁场的旋转之间存在退化,因此磁场〜10 2高斯的相互作用磁矩磁矩可以原则上模仿克尔黑孔,高达0.6。



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