首页> 外文期刊>Ulul Albab: Jurnal Studi dan Penelitian Hukum Islam >Transaction in non-cash payments through Ovo application: an Islamic judgment study by the Mazhab Syafi'i

Transaction in non-cash payments through Ovo application: an Islamic judgment study by the Mazhab Syafi'i

机译:通过ovo应用的非现金支付交易:Mazhab Syafi'i的伊斯兰判决研究



Along with the development of technology, nowadays payment can be done through smart phones with applications, those application enable transactions to pay for goods or services only through websites, credit cards or similar. OVO is one of smartphone applications available. The purpose of this article is to analyze OVO-related services in online transportation payments based on the perspective of shafi'i fiqh. The research method used is normative law, the specification of this study is descriptive analysis which is in the form of detailed and measurable exposure analyzed with an applicable legal norm, while data analysis techniques used is content analysis. The results show that based on the perspective of Ulema 'Syafi'iyah in terms of objectives and OVO application transactions, the contract used was a wadi'ah contract, but the OVO application according to the wadi'ah category of the user category in fiqh science was invalid because the user could not take money or balance on the application, while in theory the balance or money is should be the user's full ownership.
机译:随着技术的发展,现在可以通过智能手机使用智能手机来完成,这些应用程序能够通过网站,信用卡或类似的商品或服务支付交易。 ovo是可用的智能手机应用之一。本文的目的是根据Shafi'i Fiqh的角度分析在线运输支付中的ovo相关服务。所使用的研究方法是规范法,本研究的规范是描述性分析,其是以适用的法律规范分析的详细和可测量的暴露形式,而使用的数据分析技术是内容分析。结果表明,基于ULEMA'Syafi'iyah在目标和OVO应用交易方面,使用的合同是Wadi'ah合同,但ovo申请根据FIQH中的用户类别的Wadi'ah类别科学是无效的,因为用户不能在申请上赚钱或平衡,而在理论上,平衡或金钱应该是用户的完全所有权。



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