首页> 外文期刊>Pakistan journal of botany >A novel native bio-control agent Trichoderma Brevicompactum promotes growth and resistance to the powdery mildew in Impatiens Balsamina

A novel native bio-control agent Trichoderma Brevicompactum promotes growth and resistance to the powdery mildew in Impatiens Balsamina

机译:一种新的生物对照剂Trichoderma Brevicompactum促进生长和抗粉状霉菌的生长和抗性粉状肥沃



Ornamental plants are very important to control environmental pollution and ultimately contribute in beautification of urban areas. Native Trichoderma brevicompactum Tb-50 isolated from rhizosphere soil of ornamental plant, Salvia splendens Ker-Gawler was identified via combination of morphological and molecular methods based on rDNA internal transcribed spacer region gene sequences. The antagonist action of Tb-50 against five soil-borne plant pathogens, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum , Fusarium oxysporum , Rhizoctonia solani , Alternaria alternate and Cytospora chrysosperma , was respectively investigated on dual culture in petri dishes. Moreover, the present study focuses to promote flower production, improvement of vegetative parts, diseases resistance and early blossoming flowers of Impatiens balsamina by the applications of Tb-50. The presented results showed positive effects on leaves, stem height, seeds setting and plant height when compared with control group (CK). Besides, it is also found that the applications of Tb-50 controlled powdery mildew on I. balsamina .
机译:观赏植物对控制环境污染非常重要,最终促使城市地区的美化。自然Trichoderma Brevicompactum TB-50从观赏植物的根际土壤中分离,Salvia Splendens Ker-Gawler通过基于RDNA内转录的间隔区基因序列的形态和分子方法的组合来鉴定。 TB-50对抗五种土壤传播植物病原体,Sclerotinia sclerotutum,镰刀菌,镰刀菌,索尔氏菌,alercaria交替和细胞孢菌菌肌瘤的拮抗作用分别研究了培养皿中的双重培养物。此外,本研究侧重于TB-50的应用促进促进花卉生产,改善植物部件,抗病植物的抗病抗性和早期蓬勃发展的花朵。与对照组(CK)相比,所呈现的结果表明对叶片,茎高,种子设定和植物高度的阳性作用。此外,还发现TB-50受控粉状霉菌在I. Balsamina的应用。



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