首页> 外文期刊>Sociobiology >Natural Products can Efficiently Control the Greater Wax Moth (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), but are Harmless to Honey Bees

Natural Products can Efficiently Control the Greater Wax Moth (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), but are Harmless to Honey Bees




Honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) have great global socioeconomic and environmental importance. However, the greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella L.) is a pest that causes serious worldwide damage to honey bee colonies. Good beekeeping practices and physical, chemical, or natural methods can be used to control wax moths. The use of natural products is a more sustainable option because of their lower toxicity to the environment and the colony. Therefore, we evaluated the efficiency of four natural products for greater wax moth control: neem oil (Azadirachta indica), eucalyptus oil (Eucalyptus spp.), tobacco extract (Nicotiana tabacum), and malagueta pepper extract (Capsicum frutescens). We also evaluated their effects on adult bees and on the population growth of colonies. The 4th instar wax moths and adult bees were subjected to in vitro bioassays of different concentrations of the products. The results allowed us to establish a concentration for each product that was safe for the bees and effectively controlled the moth. Then, we sprayed them on bee colonies to evaluate their effects on population growth. The neem and eucalyptus oils caused wax moth mortality at low concentrations, but did not affect colony population growth. However, they did have a toxic effect on adult bees. The tobacco and pepper extracts efficiently controlled the moth, but did not cause adult bee mortality or interfered with the population growth of the colonies. Therefore, the tobacco and pepper extracts could efficiently control the greater wax moth, without damaging honey bees.
机译:蜜蜂(Apis Mellifera L.)具有巨大的全球社会经济和环境重要性。然而,较大的蜡蛾(Galleria mellonella L.)是一种导致蜂蜜蜜蜂菌落严重损害的害虫。良好的养蜂实践和物理,化学或天然方法可用于控制蜡飞蛾。由于它们对环境和殖民地的毒性较低,自然产品的使用是一种更可持续的选择。因此,我们评估了蜡蛾控制的四种天然产物的效率:Neem Ingr(Azadirachta indica),桉树油(桉树SPP),烟草提取物(尼古拉岛塔巴帽)和马拉加辣椒(辣椒Frutescens)。我们还评估了对成年蜜蜂和殖民地人口生长的影响。第四次龄蜡飞蛾和成人蜜蜂进行了不同浓度的产品的体外生物测定。结果使我们能够为蜜蜂和有效控制蛾类安全的每种产品的浓度。然后,我们将它们喷洒在蜂殖民地上,以评估它们对人口生长的影响。 Neem和桉树油在低浓度下导致蜡蛾死亡率,但不影响殖民地人口生长。然而,他们确实对成年蜜蜂产生了有毒影响。烟草和辣椒提取物有效地控制了飞蛾,但没有引起成年蜂死亡或干扰菌落的人口生长。因此,烟草和辣椒提取物可以有效地控制更大的蜡蛾,而不会损坏蜂蜜蜜蜂。



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