首页> 外文期刊>Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World >Americans’ Perceptions of Transgender People’s Sex: Evidence from a National Survey Experiment

Americans’ Perceptions of Transgender People’s Sex: Evidence from a National Survey Experiment




Drawing on the first national survey experiment of its kind (n = 3,922), the authors examine Americans’ perceptions of transgender people’s sex and the factors that underlie these perceptions. The authors randomly assigned respondents to a vignette condition describing a transgender person whose self-identified gender (i.e., identifies as a man or a woman), age (i.e., adult or teenager), and gender conformity in physical appearance (i.e., conforming, nonconforming, ambiguous, or unspecified) had been experimentally manipulated. Then, respondents were asked how they would personally classify that person’s sex. The findings suggest that Americans are more likely to perceive a transgender person’s sex as consistent with their sex assigned at birth than with their gender identity. Furthermore, of the experimental manipulations included in the experiment, only the transgender person’s level of gender conformity—not their self-identified gender or age—affects public perceptions of sex. The authors also find distinct cleavages along sociodemographic lines, including politics, sexual orientation, and interpersonal contact with transgender people. Implications for research on sex and gender are discussed.
机译:作者绘制了第一届全国调查实验(n = 3,922),审查了美国人对跨性别人民性别的看法以及这些看法的因素。作者将受访者随机分配给描述一个简历的跨候人员,其自我识别的性别(即,识别为男人或女性),年龄(即成人或少年)和身体外观的性别符合性(即符合,实验地操纵不合格,暧昧或未指定的)。然后,受访者被问到他们如何亲自分类那个人的性行为。调查结果表明,美国人更有可能会感知到跨性别人的性行为与出生时的性别相一致,而不是与他们的性别认同相符。此外,在实验中包含的实验性操纵,只有变性人的性别符合性水平 - 并非他们的自我识别性别或年龄 - 影响公众对性的看法。作者还发现沿着社会渗目线的不同裂缝,包括与变性人的政治,性取向和人际关系。讨论了对性别和性别研究的影响。



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