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Diversity and Regeneration Status of Woody Species: The Case of Keja Araba and Tula Forests, South West Ethiopia




Deforestation and habitat fragmentation are the major environmental concerns in southwest Ethiopia. Understanding woody species diversity and socio-economic factors causing destruction of natural forests is crucial in the management of the remnant forest ecosystems. However, the forest in south west Ethiopia is poorly studied. This paper examines the diversity, regeneration status, socio-economic importance of the forests in Kaja Araba and Tula forests, southwestern Ethiopia. A systematic sampling strategy was used to collect vegetation data from the natural forests, while Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) method was employed to generate the socio-economic data. A total of 60 square plots (30 for each forests measuring 10 m × 10 m) were established along line transects laid across the forests. Primary data were collected by field observation, semi-structured interview with key informants and discussion with relevant stakeholders. A total 51 woody species representing 25 families were found in the study area and of all the species 30 (59%) were trees, 18 (35%) trees/shrubs, and 3 (6%) shrubs. The most species rich families were Rubiaceae, Fabaceae, Euphorbiaceae and Moraceae. The Shannon diversity and evenness of woody species in Keja Araba forest are 2.81 and 0.79, respectively and in Tula forest they are 3.14 and 0.86, respectively. Millettia ferruginea is the most frequent and abundant species at Keja Araba natural forest, while Vepris dainellii and Phoenix reclinata are the most frequent and abundant woody species at Tula natural forest, respectively. The total basal area of woody species in Keja Araba forest is 2612 m ~( 2 ) ·ha ~( ﹣1 ) and in Tula forest the value is 3751 m ~( 2 ) ·ha ~( ﹣1 ) . In Keja Araba forest, the species with the highest IVI value are Sapium ellipticum , and in Tula forest it is Schefflera abyssinica. The results on the importance value index (IVI) and DBH class distributions show that the species with low IVI value and poor regeneration status need to be prioritized for conservation. Data collected from the key informants reveal that the forest is the major sources of fuel wood (94%), forest coffee and spices (80%), construction material (78%), timber (60%) and farm implements (58%). The forests are also sources of medicines, animal fodder, bee forage, handles tools and household utensils. Anthropogenic factors such as expansion of agricultural land, fuel wood collection, charcoal making, land use change by investors and settlements of people are responsible for destruction of natural forest in the study area, in descending order of severity. Thus, it is important to give conservation priority to the last Afromontane forest remnants in southwestern Ethiopia to achieve sustainable utilization of the forest ecosystems.
机译:森林砍伐和栖息地碎片是西南埃塞俄比亚的主要环境问题。了解造成造成自然森林破坏的木质物种多样性和社会经济因素在遗留林生态系统的管理方面至关重要。然而,西南埃塞俄比亚的森林都很糟糕。本文探讨了埃塞俄比亚西南西南部的卡哈阿拉巴和图拉森林森林的多样性,再生状态,社会经济重要性。系统采样策略用于从自然林中收集植被数据,而参与式农村评估(PRA)方法被用来产生社会经济数据。沿着森林铺设的线路横断面,建立了总共60平方的平方(每森林30米)的平方图(每森林30)。通过现场观察,半结构化访谈收集主要数据,与关键信息人员和与相关利益攸关方进行讨论。在研究区内发现了25个家族的总共51种木本种类,并且所有物种30(59%)是树木,18(35%)树木/灌木,3(6%)灌木。大多数物种富含家庭都是茜草科,Fabaceae,euphorbiaceae和莫纳西。 Keja Araba Forest的木质物种的香农多样性和均匀度分别为2.81和0.79,分别为3.14和0.86。 Millettia Ferruginea是Keja Araba天然森林中最常见的和丰富的物种,而 vepris dainellii和凤凰reclinata分别是Tula天然森林中最常见和丰富的木质物种。 Keja Araba Forest的木质物种的总基面积为2612 m〜(2)·ha〜(-1)和图拉森林,值为3751 m〜(2)·ha〜(-1)。在Keja阿拉伯森林中,具有最高IVI值的物种是硫酸盐酸盐,和图拉森林,它是 Schefflera Abyssinica。结果对重要性值指数(IVI)和DBH类分布表明,具有低IVI值和差的再生状态的物种需要优先寻求保护。从关键信息人收集的数据表明,森林是燃料木材的主要来源(94%),森林咖啡和香料(80%),施工材料(78%),木材(60%)和农业工具(58%) 。森林也是药物,动物饲料,蜂牧草,处理工具和家用器具的来源。人类学因素,如农业用地,燃料木材收集,木炭制作,投资者和定居点的土地利用变化等人的责任在严重程度下降的顺序中,负责毁灭研究区域的自然林。因此,重要的是在埃塞俄比亚西南西南部的最后一次Afromontane森林残留,以实现森林生态系统的可持续利用是很重要的。



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