
Inside the Bronchus




Tumor necrosis factor inhibitors contribute to a greater susceptibility to infection or reactivation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis . Endobronchial tuberculosis has non-specific symptoms, which may delay the diagnosis. We report a case of a 21-year-old woman, with Crohn’s disease, medicated with adalimumab. The patient presented with a 2-week history of fever, dry cough, pleuritic chest pain and weight loss of 2 kg. Chest imaging showed bilateral nodular opacities, at the right pulmonary apex. Bronchoscopy revealed a tumorous lesion in the right upper bronchus. Bronchial biopsies were suggestive of chronic granulomatous inflammation. Bronchoalveolar lavage produced a positive for acid-fast bacilli smear and culture for Mycobacterium tuberculosis . We assumed the diagnosis of tuberculosis with endobronchial manifestations. Nowadays this is a rare manifestation. Empirical treatment for tuberculosis was initiated, with steroids as an adjunct therapy to prevent bronchostenosis, with clinical and radiological improvement.
机译:肿瘤坏死因子抑制剂有助于对感染或再活化的感染或重新激活的敏感性结核分枝杆菌。结核结核病具有非特异性症状,可能延迟诊断。我们举报了一个21岁女性的案例,克罗恩病了,用Adalimumab药物。患者呈现出2周发烧,干咳,胸膜炎胸痛和体重减轻2千克的历史。胸部成像显示双侧结节不透明度,在右侧肺顶上。支气管镜检查显示出右上支气管的肿瘤病变。支气管活组织检查旨在提示慢性粒状炎症。 Bronchoalveolar灌洗为酸快速的肉芽糖和培养物产生了阳性,用于结核分枝杆菌。我们假设诊断结核表现形式。如今这是一个罕见的表现。引发了对结核病的经验处理,用类固醇作为辅助疗法,以防止支气管静脉,临床和放射改善。



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