首页> 外文期刊>Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura >Efeitos de reguladores vegetais no enraizamento de estacas caulinares de Poncirus trifoliata var. monstrosa (T. Ito)

Efeitos de reguladores vegetais no enraizamento de estacas caulinares de Poncirus trifoliata var. monstrosa (T. Ito)

机译:蔬菜调节剂在颅脑术中的影响。蒙斯索拉(T. ITO)



The work aimed study the effects of plant growth regulators on the rooting of 'Flying Dragon' stem cuttings [Poncirus trifoliata var. monstrosa (T. Ito)]. Citrus branches were collected of each season of the year (4 experiments). Cuttings (10-cm-long) containing one half leaf were obtained from these branches. The base of the cuttings was treated with plant growth regulators in the talc formulation: Control (H2O); IBA 0.5%; NAA 0.5%; IBA + caffeic acid 0.5%; and NAA + caffeic acid 0.5%. The cuttings were planted in trays containing coconut fiber and maintained for three months in the misting chamber. The cuttings collected in the fall and treated with a mixture of NAA 0.5% and caffeic acid at 0.5% showed higher rooting percentage.
机译:旨在研究植物生长调节剂对“飞龙”茎切割生根的影响[Poncirus Trifoliata var。蒙斯塔拉(T. ITO)]。柑橘分支机构收集了一年中的每个季节(4个实验)。从这些分支获得含有半叶的切割(10厘米长)。在滑石制剂中用植物生长调节剂处理切屑的底部:对照(H2O); IBA 0.5%; NAA 0.5%; IBA +咖啡酸0.5%;和Naa +咖啡酸0.5%。将切屑植入含有椰子纤维的托盘中,并在雾化室中保持三个月。在下降中收集并用Naa 0.5%和咖啡酸的混合物处理的切屑以0.5%的咖啡酸显示出较高的生根百分比。



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