首页> 外文期刊>New West Indian Guide >Surinaams onbehagen: Een sociale en politieke geschiedenis van Suriname, 1865–2015, by Hans Ramsoedh

Surinaams onbehagen: Een sociale en politieke geschiedenis van Suriname, 1865–2015, by Hans Ramsoedh

机译:苏里南内部的内部:苏兰名的社会和政治历史,1865 - 2015年,汉斯拉姆索森



In this captivating volume, Hans Ramsoedh offers a comprehensive and detailed historical analysis of social and political developments in Surinameover the past one and a half centuries. Employing the concept of “discontent”(Dutch: onbehagen) as a thread that runs through the book, he discusses andanalyzes three periods of Surinamese history: the colonial period (1865–1945),the postcolonial period (1945–75), and the postindependence period (1975–2015). He offers an exciting, well-written narrative of political developments ineach of these stages, discussing them against the backdrop of broader cultural,economic, and social trends. The volume is sprinkled with fascinating detailsof key episodes in the political history of Suriname, making it an indispensable read for anyone interested in the country’s unique historical and politicaltrajectory.
机译:在这一迷人的卷中,Hans Ramsoedh对苏联人的社会和政治发展提供了全面,详细的历史分析,这是苏里欧化的社会和政治发展。雇用“不满”(荷兰语:onbehagen)作为穿过这本书的线程的概念,他讨论了Surinamese历史的三个时期:殖民时期(1865-1945),后殖民期间(1945-75),以及后期依存期(1975-2015)。他提供了一个令人兴奋,写的政治发展叙述的叙述了这些阶段,讨论了他们对更广泛的文化,经济和社会趋势的背景。在苏里南的政治历史中,卷洒上了令人着迷的细节,使其成为对该国独特历史和历史政治传统感兴趣的任何人不可或缺的阅读。



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