首页> 外文期刊>MLS Educational Research >Escala de valores en profesionales de enfermería activos de República Dominicana

Escala de valores en profesionales de enfermería activos de República Dominicana




Given the curricular revision processes that takes place in the country, within the framework of the reforms in the health services, a research was carried out with the objective of analyzing the scale of values of the nursing professionals in the Dominican Republic, during the period May 2017-July 2018. The study is transversal and quantitative. The Valuation Reaction Test was applied to 203 Dominican professional nurses who work in public and private health centers in seven cities, selected for availability and respecting the ethics of social research. The data was analyzed with Excel and SPSS. The scale of values was organized according to the frequency of maximum scores obtained by the subjects in the categories and showed this order: 1) individual, 2) affective, 3) intellectual, 4) moral, 5) social, 6) aesthetic and 7) religious. While they answered the test, the subjects showed different types of verbal and psychic reactions that allowed them to understand the statistical results. The first three categories show that these professionals have an interest in overcoming and animating to provide selfless and friendly service. The last three categories reveal rejection towards values related to politics, guilds, fine arts and religious dogmas contrary to accepted faith. It is concluded that vocational schools must work to maintain balance and reinforce values with a weak presence, through the inclusion of ethical principles in the curriculum with projection towards their graduates. 
机译:鉴于该国发生的课程修订过程,在卫生服务改革的框架内,该研究是在可能分析多米尼加共和国的护理专业人员价值观的目标中进行了研究2017年至2018年7月。该研究是横向和量化的。将估值反应试验应用于203多米尼加的职业护士,在七个城市的公共和私人健康中心工作,选择可用,尊重社会研究的伦理。使用Excel和SPSS分析数据。根据“类别”中的主题获得的最大分数的频率组织了值的规模,并显示了以下顺序:1)个体,2)情感,3)知识,4)道德,5)社会,6)美学和7 )宗教。虽然他们回答了测试,但受试者展示了不同类型的口头和心灵反应,让他们了解统计结果。前三个类别表明,这些专业人员对克服和动画提供无私和友好的服务。最后三个类别揭示了与政治,公会,美术和宗教教条有关的价值观,与接受的信仰相反。得出结论,职业学校必须通过将课程的道德原则列入毕业生的预测,在课程中列入课程中的道德原则,职业学校必须努力维持平衡和加强价值。



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