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Structural studies of cord factors from Mycobacterium simiae related to the capacity for tumour necrosis factor alpha (α-TNF) induction




The structure of cord factor was studied in several strains of Mycobacterium simiae, including ‘habana’ TMC 5135, considered as highly immunogenic in experimental tuberculosis and leprosy. The mycolic acids liberated from cord factor were identified in all cases as α′-, α- and keto-mycolates. According to the general NMR and MS data, α′-mycolates were mono-unsaturated and contained from 64 to 68 carbon atoms, whereas α-mycolates mainly presented two 2,3-disubstituted cyclopropane rings and a chain length of 80–91 carbon atoms; keto-mycolates mostly contained one cyclopropane ring and 85–91 carbon atoms. Taking into account the 1H-NMR results, strains varied in the ratio of the different mycolates, and the high levels of keto-mycolates found in the cord factors of TMC 5135 and ATCC 25275T stood out. Notably, MS revealed that the odd carbon number series of α-mycolates (C87–C89) predominated in the cord factor of TMC 5135, in contrast to the remaining studied strains, in which the even (C84–C86) and odd carbon number series appeared more equal. The fine structural differences detected among the cord factors studied did not seem to be relevant to the general capacity of these molecules to induce the secretion of tumour necrosis factor alpha, as the cord factors from several strains of M. simiae (TMC 5135, IPK-342 and ATCC 25275T) induced similar amounts of this cytokine in RAW 264.7 cells.
机译:研究了脐带因子的结构,其中几种分枝杆菌菌株,包括“Habana”TMC 5135,被认为是实验结核病和麻风病的高度免疫原性。在所有情况下鉴定从脐带因子中释放的霉菌酸,作为α'-,α-和酮晶体。根据一般的NMR和MS数据,α'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''-mycolate含有64至68个碳原子,而α-霉菌主要呈现出两个2,3-二取代的环丙烷环和80-91个碳原子的链长;酮 - 霉菌主要含有一种环丙烷环和85-91个碳原子。考虑到1H-NMR结果,菌株在不同的MyColates的比例中变化,以及在TMC 5135的脐带因子中发现的高水平的酮霉菌,ATCC 25275T脱颖而出。值得注意的是,MS揭示了与剩余的研究菌株相比,在TMC 5135的脐带因子中占主导地相成的奇数碳数(C87-C89),其中偶数(C84-C86)和奇数碳数系列出现了更平等的。所研究的脐带因子中检测到的细结构差异与这些分子的一般能力毫不疑问地诱导肿瘤坏死因子α的分泌,作为来自M.Imiae的几种菌株的脐带因子(TMC 5135,IPK- 342和ATCC 25275T)在原始264.7细胞中诱导相似量的该细胞因子。



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