首页> 外文期刊>Microbiology >Major impacts on the primary metabolism of the plant pathogen Cryphonectria parasitica by the virulence-attenuating virus CHV1-EP713

Major impacts on the primary metabolism of the plant pathogen Cryphonectria parasitica by the virulence-attenuating virus CHV1-EP713




Cryphonectria parasitica, the chestnut blight fungus, can be infected by virulence-attenuating mycoviruses of the family Hypoviridae. Previous studies have led to the hypothesis that the hypovirus-infected phenotype is partly due to metabolic changes induced by the viral infection. To investigate this, we measured the metabolic rate and respiration of C. parasitica colonies grown on solid medium. These experiments supported historical observations of other fungal species done in liquid cultures that the metabolic rate steadily declines with age and differentiation of the mycelium. Hypovirus infection increased metabolic rate in the youngest mycelium, but a subsequent decline was also observed as the mycelium aged. By measuring both CO2 production and O2 consumption, we also observed that changes occur in carbohydrate metabolism as a result of ageing in both infected and uninfected mycelium. Mycelium on the periphery of the colony exploited fermentation pathways extensively, before transitioning to aerobic carbohydrate metabolism and finally lipid metabolism in the interior regions, despite abundant remaining glucose. However, the hypovirus affected the extent of these changes, with infected mycelium apparently unable to utilize lipid-related metabolic pathways, leading to an increased depletion of glucose. Finally, we used metabolic profi?ling to determine the changes in accumulation of primary metabolites in wild-type and hypovirus-infected mycelium and found that approximately one-third of the 164 detected metabolites were affected. These results are consistent with those expected from the physiological measurements, with significant alterations noted for compounds related to lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. Additionally, we observed an increase in the accumulation of the polyamine spermidine in the presence of hypovirus. Polyamines have been implicated in antiviral responses of mammalian systems; therefore this may suggest a novel antiviral response mechanism in fungi.
机译:CryphoneStria Parasitica,栗子枯萎的真菌,可以受到毒性衰减的孢子虫的脓毒症的病毒病毒。以前的研究导致假设是由于病毒感染诱导的代谢变化部分是由于腹血病感染的表型部分原因。为了调查这一点,我们测量了在固体培养基上生长的帕拉塞霉素菌落的代谢率和呼吸。这些实验支持液体培养物中其他真菌物种的历史观察,即代谢率随着年龄和菌丝体的分化而稳步下降。低血量量感染在最小的菌丝体中提高了代谢率,但随后也观察到随后的下降作为老年人的菌丝体。通过测量二氧化碳生产和O2消耗,我们还观察到由于感染和未感染的菌丝体的老化而导致碳水化合物代谢发生变化。尽管剩余丰富的葡萄糖,但在过渡到有氧碳水化合物代谢和内部区域中的脂质代谢之前,菌落对菌落的周边进行了广泛的发酵途径。然而,低血量量影响了这些变化的程度,感染菌丝菌丝体显然不能使用与脂质相关的代谢途径,导致葡萄糖的耗竭增加。最后,我们使用了代谢产物?玲以确定野生型和低血压感染的菌丝体中初级代谢物积累的变化,发现大约164个检测到的代谢物中的约三分之一受到影响。这些结果与生理测量的预期一致,与脂质和碳水化合物代谢有关的化合物的显着改变。另外,我们观察到在低病毒存在下多胺亚胺的积累增加。多胺涉及哺乳动物系统的抗病毒反应;因此,这可能表明真菌中的一种新型抗病毒反应机制。



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