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Evidence for a general-purpose genotype in Candida albicans , highly prevalent in multiple geographical regions, patient types and types of infection




Epidemiological studies, using the probe Ca3, have shown that in a given patient population a single cluster of genetically related Candida albicans isolates usually predominates. The authors have investigated whether these local clusters are part of a single group, geographically widespread and highly prevalent as an aetiological agent of various types of candidiasis. An unrooted neighbour-joining tree of 266 infection-causing C. albicans isolates (each from a different individual) from 12 geographical regions in 6 countries was created, based on genetic distances generated by Ca3 fingerprinting. Thirty-seven per cent of all isolates formed a single genetically homogeneous cluster (cluster A). The remainder of isolates were genetically diverse. Using the maximum branch length within cluster A as a cut-off, they could be divided into 37 groups, whose prevalence ranged between 0·3% and 9%. Strains from cluster A were highly prevalent in all but one geographical region, with a mean prevalence across all regions of 41%. When isolates were separated into groups based on patient characteristics or type of infection, strains from cluster A had a prevalence exceeding 27% in each group, and their mean prevalence was 43% across all patient characteristics. These data provide evidence that cluster A constitutes a general-purpose genotype, which is geographically widespread and acts as a predominant aetiological agent of all forms of candidiasis in all categories of patients surveyed.
机译:流行病学研究使用探针CA3表明,在给定的患者群体中,一组遗传相关的念珠菌蛋白分离物通常是主要的。作者已经调查了这些局部簇是单一组的一部分,地理上普遍普遍,作为各种类型的念珠菌病的一种安全性。根据CA3指纹识别产生的遗传距离,创建了来自6个国家的12个地理区域的266个感染的C. albicans的直接邻近的邻近的邻近的邻居。所有分离株的37%的分离株形成单个遗传均匀簇(聚类A)。其余的分离物是遗传多样化的。使用集群A内的最大分支长度作为截止,它们可以分为37组,其流行度范围为0·3%和9%。除了一个地理区域之外,集群A的菌株在所有地区的所有地区的平均普遍存在41%。当分离物基于患者特征或感染类型分离成基团时,簇A的菌株在每组中超过27%的患病率超过27%,并且在所有患者特征中的平均流行量为43%。这些数据提供了群体A构成通用基因型的证据,该基因型是地理上的普遍性,并作为所有类别的患者中所有形式的念珠菌类的主要嗜患者的占主导地位剂。



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