首页> 外文期刊>Materials >Cement-Modified Loess Base for Intercity Railways: Mechanical Strength and Influencing Factors Based on the Vertical Vibration Compaction Method

Cement-Modified Loess Base for Intercity Railways: Mechanical Strength and Influencing Factors Based on the Vertical Vibration Compaction Method




Cement-modified loess has been used in the recent construction of an intercity high-speed railway in Xi’an, China. This paper studies the mechanical strength of cement-modified loess (CML) compacted by the vertical vibration compaction method (VVCM). First, the reliability of VVCM in compacting CML is evaluated, and then the effects of cement content, compaction coefficient, and curing time on the mechanical strength of CML are analyzed, establishing a strength prediction model. The results show that the correlation of mechanical strength between the CML specimens prepared by VVCM in the laboratory and the core specimens collected on site is as high as 83.8%. The mechanical strength of CML initially show linear growth with increasing cement content and compaction coefficient. The initial growth in CML mechanical strength is followed by a later period, with mechanical strength growth slowing after 28 days. The mechanical strength growth properties of the CML can be accurately predicted via established strength growth equations. The results of this study can guide the design and construction of CML subgrade.
机译:水泥改性黄土已用于最近在中国西安的城市间城高速铁路建设中。本文研究了通过垂直振动压实方法(VVCM)压实的水泥改性黄土(CML)的机械强度。首先,评价VVCM在压实CML中的可靠性,然后分析了水泥含量,压实系数和固化时间对CML的机械强度的影响,建立强度预测模型。结果表明,在实验室中由VVCM制备的CML样品之间的机械强度与现场收集的核心样品之间的相关性高达83.8%。 CML的机械强度最初显示线性生长,随着水泥含量的增加和压实系数。 CML机械强度的初始增长之后是后期,28天后机械强度生长减缓。 CML的机械强度生长性能可以通过建立的强度的生长方程式精确预测。该研究的结果可以指导CML路基的设计和构建。



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