首页> 外文期刊>Food Science and Technology >Factors Related to the Granting of Colostrum in Newborn Baby with Caesarean Section in Hospital Government at Banten, Indonesia

Factors Related to the Granting of Colostrum in Newborn Baby with Caesarean Section in Hospital Government at Banten, Indonesia




Efforts to reduce Neonatal Mortality are important because neonatal deaths contribute to 59% of infant deaths in Indonesia. World Health Organization (WHO) universally recommends colostrum as the perfect food for newborns. The mother's behavior in giving breast milk (ASI in Indonesia) from mom is related to the type of labor. The purpose of this study was to determine the dominant factors associated with giving colostrum to newborns by the cesarean section method. This study was an observational analytic study with a cross-sectional approach. This study involved 138 post-cesarean mothers in May-June 2018 at Hospital Government at Banten, Indonesia. Data were obtained through observation, interviews, and hospital data. The statistical test used in this study is the multiple logistic regressions. The results showed that the administration of colostrum to newborns was carried out by the majority (79%) of post-cesarean section mothers. The intention of breastfeeding (OR 9.029), support of health workers (OR 6.165), husband's support (OR 5.098), and knowledge (OR 3.726) are jointly related to the provision of colostrum to newborns by the cesarean delivery method. Mothers who had strong breastfeeding intention were 8 times more likely to give colostrum compare with women who had low intention.



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