首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Business and Management >Influence of Work Motivation, Leadership and Organizational Culture Principal of the Teacher Performance in Vocational School (SMK) Muhammadiyah, Rembang City, Central Java Province, Indonesia

Influence of Work Motivation, Leadership and Organizational Culture Principal of the Teacher Performance in Vocational School (SMK) Muhammadiyah, Rembang City, Central Java Province, Indonesia

机译:职业学校教师绩效工作动机,领导和组织文化校长的影响(SMK)Muhammadiyah,Rembang City,中爪哇省,印度尼西亚



The improvement of educational quality determined by human resources who involve in the educational process such as teacher. There are many factors that can increase teachers’ work performance. One of them is the leadership of school principal. A work performance or a culture in one organization is created through school principal leadership. The study aimed to investigate the relation between work motivation, school principal leadership, organizational culture, and teachers’ work performance at Vocational School (Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan/SMK) Muhammadyah, Rembang, Central Java Province, Indonesia. There were 47 teachers selected as sample of this study.Based on the results of the F test that work motivation, school principal leadership, and organizational culture affect the performance of teachers. Regression analysis results showed that the factor of work motivation, school leadership and organizational culture were studied accounted for 47% of the performance of teachers. The other factors that affect the performance of teachers by 53% that need to be investigated further, and have not been included in this study.
机译:涉及教师等教育过程的人力资源确定教育质量的提高。有许多因素可以提高教师的工作表现。其中一个是学校校长的领导。通过学校主要领导地位创建一个组织中的工作表现或文化。该研究旨在调查工作动机,学校主要领导,组织文化与教师工作绩效的关系(Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan / SMK)Muhammadyah,Rembang,中爪哇省,印度尼西亚。选择了47名教师作为本研究的样本。基于工作动机,学校主要领导和组织文化的F试验结果影响教师的表现。回归分析结果表明,研究了工作动机,学校领导和组织文化的因素占教师表现的47%。其他影响教师表现的另一个因素53%需要进一步调查,并没有纳入本研究。



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