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Pest categorisation of Grapholita?packardi




The Panel on Plant Health performed a pest categorisation of Grapholita packardi Zeller, (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), for the EU. G. packardi is a well‐defined and distinguishable species. It is widely distributed in the USA and has a restricted distribution in Canada and Mexico. It is recognised as a pest of blueberry and cherry, and has occasionally been reported in apple, pear and plum. It is cited on quince and wild rosaceous plants such as Crataegus. Larvae feed on blueberry and cherry fruits internally and overwinter in pruned twigs. External evidence of infestation of cherries by young larvae is occasionally not detectable. In apple, fruit damage is less common; rather, the pest bores into terminal shoots of nursery stock and young orchard trees. Feeding damage spoils fruit quality and marketability and reduces crop yield. G. packardi is not known to occur in the EU and is listed in Annex IIAI of Council Directive 2000/29/EC under the synonym Enarmonia packardi. Host plants for planting and infested fruit could potentially provide a pathway into the EU. Considering the climatic similarities between North America and Europe, and that wild and commercial hosts occur widely within the EU, G. packardi has the potential to establish within the EU. There would be one to three generations per year, as in North America. Based on literature, blueberries and cherries are likely to be impacted more than apples and pears. Phytosanitary measures are available to reduce the likelihood of introduction of G. packardi. All criteria assessed by EFSA for consideration as a potential Union quarantine pest are met. As G. packardi is not known to occur in the EU, this criterion assessed by EFSA to consider it as a Union regulated non‐quarantine pest is not met.
机译:植物健康小组对欧盟进行了石墨塔帕特拉德(Lepidoptera)(Lepidoptera:Tortricidae)的害虫分类。 G. Packardi是一种明确和可区分的物种。它广泛分布在美国,在加拿大和墨西哥有一个受限制的分布。它被认为是蓝莓和樱桃的害虫,偶尔会在苹果,梨和梅花中报道。它被引用在柑橘和野生罗萨斯植物(如Crataegus)。幼虫在内部喂食蓝莓和樱桃果实,并在修剪的树枝上冬季冬季。幼幼幼虫乳虫侵染的外部证据是偶尔无法检测到的。在苹果中,果实损伤不太常见;相反,害虫钻孔进入托儿所股票和年轻果园树的终端射击。饲养损坏破坏了水果质量和可销售性,并降低了作物产量。 G. Packardi未被众所周知发生在欧盟,并于2000/29 / EC的同义词enarmonia Packardi上市。种植和侵染水果的宿主植物可能会提供进入欧盟的途径。考虑到北美和欧洲之间的气候相似性,野外和商业主持人在欧盟范围内广泛出现,G. Packardi有可能在欧盟内建立。与北美一样,每年有一到三代。基于文学,蓝莓和樱桃可能受到苹果和梨的影响。植物检疫措施可用于减少G. Packardi引入的可能性。符合EFSA评估的所有标准,以考虑为潜在的联盟检疫害虫。由于G. Packardi未知在欧盟中,因此EFSA评估的该标准不符合EFSA作为工会监管的非检疫害虫。


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