首页> 外文期刊>Edukasi: Jurnal Penelitian dan Artikel Pendidikan >Analisis Pengaruh Literasi Energi Terhadap Hemat Energi Pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar

Analisis Pengaruh Literasi Energi Terhadap Hemat Energi Pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar




Era of globalization is making energy as a source of primary needs. The condition of meeting Indonesia's energy needs is still dominated by fossil energy and the use of renewable energy up to now has not been able to go according to plan. Government policies and programs on energy conservation aim to use energy efficiently. These efforts can be done through energy saving equipment and energy saving behavior. This study aims to determine the effect of energy literacy on energy saving behavior. This research was conducted at Peninggilan 02 Public Elementary School in October. The total population of the study was 121 students and the study sample used was 121 students. The method used is quantitative survey. Retrieval of data in this study using a questionnaire. The results of this study obtained an R square value of 0.243 or KD = 0.243 X100% = 24.3%. This can be interpreted that Energy Literacy has an effect of 24.3% on Energy Saving Behavior. While 75.7% is influenced by other variables that influence the energy saving behavior.
机译:全球化时代是作为主要需求的能源。满足印度尼西亚的能源需求的条件仍然是化石能源的主导,并且利用可再生能源到现在尚未按照计划进行。节约能源政策和方案旨在有效地使用能源。这些努力可以通过节能设备和节能行为来完成。本研究旨在确定能源素养对节能行为的影响。这项研究于10月份在Peninggilan 02公共小学进行。该研究的总人口是121名学生,使用的研究样本是121名学生。使用的方法是定量调查。使用调查问卷检索本研究中的数据。该研究的结果获得了0.243或Kd = 0.243×100%= 24.3%的r平方值。这可以解释能量素养对节能行为的影响24.3%。虽然75.7%受影响节能行为的其他变量的影响。



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