首页> 外文期刊>Ecology and Evolution >Contrasted levels of genetic diversity in a benthic Mediterranean octocoral: Consequences of different demographic histories?

Contrasted levels of genetic diversity in a benthic Mediterranean octocoral: Consequences of different demographic histories?




Abstract Understanding the factors explaining the observed patterns of genetic diversity is an important question in evolutionary biology. We provide the first data on the genetic structure of a Mediterranean octocoral, the yellow gorgonian Eunicella cavolini , along with insights into the demographic history of this species. We sampled populations in four areas of the Mediterranean Sea: continental France, Algeria, Turkey, and the Balearic and Corsica islands. Along French coasts, three sites were sampled at two depths (20 and 40 m). We demonstrated a high genetic structure in this species (overall F ST = 0.13), and most pairwise differentiation tests were significant. We did not detect any difference between depths at the same site. Clustering analyses revealed four differentiated groups corresponding to the main geographical areas. The levels of allelic richness and heterozygosity were significantly different between regions, with highest diversity in Algeria and lowest levels in Turkey. The highest levels of private allelic richness were observed in Algeria followed by Turkey. Such contrasted patterns of genetic diversity were not observed in other Mediterranean octocorals and could be the result of different evolutionary histories. We also provide new empirical evidence of contrasting results between tests and model-based studies of demographic history. Our results have important consequences for the management of this species.
机译:摘要了解解释观察到的遗传多样性模式的因素是进化生物学中的重要问题。我们提供了关于地中海八陶瓷,黄·戈贡尼亚塞内西亚·瓦罗尼的遗传结构的第一个数据,以及对此物种的人口统计历史的见解。我们在地中海的四个地区进行了采样的人口:法国大陆,阿尔及利亚,土耳其和巴利阿里卡和科西嘉群岛。沿着法国海岸,在两个深度(20和40米)上采样三个网站。我们证明了该物种的高遗传结构(总体f st = 0.13),并且大多数成对分化试验都很显着。我们没有检测到同一站点的深度之间的任何区别。聚类分析显示了与主要地理区域相对应的四个差异化组。地区之间的等位基因丰富和杂合子的水平显着差异,阿尔及利亚的最多多样性和土耳其最低水平。在阿尔及利亚观察到土耳其之后的最高水平的私人等位基因。在其他地中海八陶瓷中未观察到这种对比的遗传多样性模式,并且可能是不同进化历史的结果。我们还提供了新的经验证据,对对比的人口历史研究与模型研究之间的结果。我们的结果对管理本物种的管理具有重要影响。


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