首页> 外文期刊>Italian journal of animal science >Management Risk Factors for Calf Mortality in Intensive Italian Dairy Farms

Management Risk Factors for Calf Mortality in Intensive Italian Dairy Farms




Abstract High calf mortality is an important factor of economic loss in dairy production. At present, limited data are available on calf rearing practices and calf mortality in Italian dairy farming. The aim of the study was to identify the most important management risk factors for preweaning calf mortality in Italian dairy farms. A group of 28 intensive dairy farms from Lombardy (Italy) were visited to collect information about calf management and calf mortality. Female calf mortality showed high variability among herds and in many cases the percentage of calves dead within the preweaning period was very high. The average perinatal mortality (during calving and within 24 h after birth) was 8.82% of total females born with a maximum value of 30.8%, whereas average early mortality (from 24 h to weaning) was 8.9±7.9%, with a maximum value of 28%. The herd size did not significantly affect calf mortality although the number of calves cared per operator in the big farms was higher than in the small ones. Multivariate logistic analysis showed that feeding first colostrum meal beyond three hours after birth, group housing before 30 d of age and feeding daily less than 5 L of milk or milk replacer per calf multiply the risk to have early mortality higher than 10%. The study showed that early calf mortality could be strongly reduced by paying more attention to a very limited number of operations.
机译:摘要大牛犊死亡率是乳制品生产经济损失的重要因素。目前,在意大利乳制品养殖的小牛饲养实践和小牛死亡率上提供有限的数据。该研究的目的是确定在意大利乳制品农场施用小牛死亡率最重要的管理危险因素。访问了来自伦巴第28个强烈的乳制品农场(意大利),以收集有关小牛管理和小牛死亡率的信息。女性小牛死亡率在畜群中显示出高度的变化,并且在许多情况下,预付期内的小牛百分比非常高。平均围产期死亡率(在出生后24小时内)是8.82%的女性总,最大值为30.8%,而平均早期死亡率(从24小时到断奶)为8.9±7.9%,最大值28%。牛群大小没有显着影响小牛死亡率,尽管大农场中每台运营商关心的小牛数量高于小农场。多变量物流分析表明,出生后喂养的第一个初乳粉超过三小时,群30 d以前和每日喂养的喂奶或牛奶替代品的每只小牛率较高的风险高于10%。该研究表明,通过更加关注一个非常有限的操作,可以强烈减少小牛死亡率。



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