首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Preventive Medicine >Body Esteem and Self–examination in British Men and Women

Body Esteem and Self–examination in British Men and Women




Background: Breast and testicular cancers affect a substantial and increasing proportion of the global population. Self-examination encourages early detection and treatment of these cancers, which positively impacts on patient quality of life and survival. Methods: The present study investigated the role of body esteem in breast and testicular self-examination. Men ( N = 60) and women ( N = 90) recruited from a British University completed the body esteem scale and either the testicular self-examination or breast self-examination questionnaire. Results: Logistic regression models revealed that body esteem predicted women's intention to engage in breast self-examination. Women with higher levels of sexual attractiveness and those with lower levels of weight concern were more likely to report that they would regularly self-examine in the future. Body esteem did not however, distinguish between those women that did or did not currently self-examine or predict men's current or intended testicular self-examination. Conclusion: The findings have implications for the promotion of self-examination and highlight an emerging area of preventive health research.
机译:背景:乳腺癌和睾丸癌影响全球人口的大量和增加。自我检查促进这些癌症的早期检测和治疗,这对患者的生命和生存产生了积极影响。方法:本研究调查了身体尊重在乳房和睾丸自检中的作用。从英国大学招募的男人(n = 60)和女性(n = 90)完成了身体尊重规模和睾丸自我检查或乳房自我检查问卷。结果:逻辑回归模式显示,身体尊敬预测妇女的意图从事乳房自我检查。性吸引力水平较高的妇女和重量较低的人更有可能报告他们将在未来定期自我审视。然而,身体尊重并没有区分那些做出或未自查或预测男士目前或预期睾丸自我检查的女性。结论:调查结果对自我检查的促进有影响,突出了预防性健康研究的新兴领域。



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