首页> 外文期刊>International journal of oral science >Transmission routes of 2019-nCoV and controls in dental practice

Transmission routes of 2019-nCoV and controls in dental practice




A novel β-coronavirus (2019-nCoV) caused severe and even fetal pneumonia explored in a seafood market of Wuhan city, Hubei province, China, and rapidly spread to other provinces of China and other countries. The 2019-nCoV was different from SARS-CoV, but shared the same host receptor the human angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). The natural host of 2019-nCoV may be the bat Rhinolophus affinis as 2019-nCoV showed 96.2% of whole-genome identity to BatCoV RaTG13. The person-to-person transmission routes of 2019-nCoV included direct transmission, such as cough, sneeze, droplet inhalation transmission, and contact transmission, such as the contact with oral, nasal, and eye mucous membranes. 2019-nCoV can also be transmitted through the saliva, and the fetal–oral routes may also be a potential person-to-person transmission route. The participants in dental practice expose to tremendous risk of 2019-nCoV infection due to the face-to-face communication and the exposure to saliva, blood, and other body fluids, and the handling of sharp instruments. Dental professionals play great roles in preventing the transmission of 2019-nCoV. Here we recommend the infection control measures during dental practice to block the person-to-person transmission routes in dental clinics and hospitals.
机译:一种新型β-冠状病毒(2019-NCOV)导致武汉市,中国武汉市海鲜市场探讨的严重甚至胎儿肺炎,迅速传播到中国其他国家和其他国家。 2019-NCOV与SARS-COV不同,但共享相同的宿主受体人血管紧张素转换酶2(ACE2)。 2019-NCOV的天然宿主可能是蝙蝠鼻葵AFFINIS,因为2019-NCOV显示出对Batcov RATG13的96.2%的全基因组同一性。 2019-NCOV的人员传输路线包括直接传输,如咳嗽,喷嚏,液滴吸入传输和接触传输,例如与口腔,鼻和眼粘膜接触。 2019-NCOV也可以通过唾液传输,胎儿 - 口道路线也可能是潜在的人到人的传输路线。牙科实践的参与者由于面对面的通信和暴露于唾液,血液和其他体液以及尖锐的仪器而暴露于2019-NCOV感染的巨大风险。牙科专业人士在防止2019-NCOV传输方面发挥着重要作用。在这里,我们建议在牙科诊所中的感染控制措施阻止牙科诊所和医院的人员传输路线。



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