首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology >A Novel Intelligent Decision Management System Based on USCM AKD Framework.

A Novel Intelligent Decision Management System Based on USCM AKD Framework.

机译:基于USCM AKD框架的新型智能决策管理系统。



The quality of a business decision is dependent on the experience of the decision-maker. In the context of computer support for decision making we have been investigating the ways in which expert knowledge may be collected and provided for decision support. A potentially useful technology is that of Actionable Knowledge Discovery (AKD for short). The decision support system is viewed as a set of computer-based tools integrating expert knowledge and collaboration of technologies that help decision-makers and provide them with interactive capabilities to enhance their understanding and information base. Through Intelligent Decisions, stakeholders/survey agencies /customers /financial institutions /different levels of management in the organization are able to make effective decisions concerning the management and direction of their organization. This paper introduces business intelligent decisions that take place from the data-warehouse through AKD in Domain Driven Data Mining (D3M for short). The general architecture of D3M for enterprise decisions was proposed and the model storage was presented, and its characteristics would be analyzed. The deliverables of D3M were extracted from the result of supervised/unsupervised mining and knowledge base. The enterprise decisions and reports could be analyzed through D3M deliverables. It also discusses the important steps of designing the data warehouse and describes the meaning of D3M applied to the IDS and finally evolving of D3M to individual services are presented.
机译:业务决策的质量取决于决策者的经验。在计算机支持的背景下,我们已经调查了可以收集和提供决策支持的专家知识的方式。潜在的有用技术是可操作的知识发现(简称AKD)。决策支持系统被视为一组基于计算机的工具,整合专家知识和协作帮助决策者并为他们提供交互式功能,以增强他们的理解和信息基础。通过智能决策,利益攸关方/调查机构/客户/金融机构/本组织的不同管理水平能够有效决定组织管理和方向。本文介绍了通过AKD在Domain Drivend Data Mining中从数据仓库进行的业务智能决策(D3M for Short)。提出了对企业决策的D3M的一般结构,并提出了模型存储,并分析了其特征。从监督/无监督挖掘和知识库的结果中提取D3M的可交付成果。可以通过D3M可交付成果分析企业决策和报告。它还讨论了设计数据仓库的重要步骤,并描述了应用于ID的D3M的含义,并且介绍了对单个服务的D3M的发展。



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