首页> 外文期刊>Iheringia. Série Zoologia >Biologia reprodutiva de Pachyurus bonariensis (Perciformes, Sciaenidae) na fase pré-represamento do arroio Taquarembó, Sul do Brasil

Biologia reprodutiva de Pachyurus bonariensis (Perciformes, Sciaenidae) na fase pré-represamento do arroio Taquarembó, Sul do Brasil




This work describes aspects of the reproductive biology of Pachyurus bonariensis (Steindachner, 1879) through the analysis of 278 specimens collected from July 2006 to July 2007. The estimated reproductive period lasted from October 2006 to February 2007 and showed a positive correlation with photoperiod and water conductivity. The oocyte development was synchronous in more than two groups, characterizing the species as multiple spawner. Mean absolute fecundity was 39,313 oocytes and relative fecundity was 0.43 oocysts per milligram of total weight. The length of the first specimen mature was set at 112.6 mm for females and males 110.7 mm and sex ratio of the population as a whole did not differ significantly from 1:1.
机译:这项工作描述了通过2006年7月至2007年7月收集的278个标本的分析来描述Pachyurus Boariensis(Steindachner,1879)的生殖生物学的方面。估计的生殖期持续2006年10月至2007年2月,与光周期和水呈正相关电导率。卵母细胞发育在两组以上是同步的,表征物种作为多个水平纳瓦。平均绝对繁殖量为39,313个卵母细胞,相对繁殖量为每毫克总重量为0.43卵囊。第一个试样成熟的长度设定为雌性的112.6毫米,雄性110.7毫米,人口的性别比例与1:1没有显着差异。



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