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Using Lagrange interpolation to determine the milk production amount by the number of milked animals




In this study, milk production by the number of buffalos produced and milked between the years of 2013-2017 in Turkey’s Eskisehir, Ankara and Konya provinces has been examined. Lagrange polynomial was formed to detect milk production by the number of animals milked. With the help of this polynomial, production estimates have also been made for the intermediate values of the independent variable x. It is estimated that in Eski?ehir, the average milk amount per 100-140 animals is 107.08-149.88 kg, the average milk amount per 400-750 animals in Ankara is 447.25-837.75 kg, and the average milk amount per 100-260 animals is 128.40-333.84 kg in Konya. The interpolation method has been a good model for estimating production in farming.
机译:在这项研究中,通过在土耳其埃斯基尔,安卡拉和科尼亚省的牛奶之间生产和挤奶的水牛数量的牛奶生产。形成拉格朗日多项式以通过挤奶的动物数量检测牛奶生产。在这种多项式的帮助下,还针对独立变量X的中间值进行了生产估计。据估计,在ESKI?ehir,每100-140只动物的平均牛奶量为107.08-149.88千克,安卡拉每400-750只动物的平均牛奶量为447.25-837.75千克,平均牛奶量每100-260 Konya的动物是128.40-333.84千克。插值方法是估算农业生产的良好模型。



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