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Growth Performance Assessment of Chamaecyparis obtusa Stand in Gyeongnam Province, S. Korea

机译:Chamaecyparis optusa董事会在京南省的成长绩效评估



Growth causes in trees to change in volume (size) and shape or form. These changes can be positive or negative and it is the result of different factors either biotic or a biotic. A stand or individual trees have characteristic growth patterns and understanding the sources of change or factors that are influencing the growth is crucial for the productivity of forests. In this study the growth performance of Chamaecyparis obtusa (C. obtusa) was studied to assess the growth condition of young stand in the Gyeongnam province since the time of plantation. Historical tree growth was measured using standard forest growth evaluation (height and root collar diameter measurement) techniques to analyze increment from individual trees at seventy two sites in eight cities and counties. The relationship between soil properties, climate, altitude and aspect with tree growth was evaluated. The results of the study showed variation of growth pattern for the same species of similar age categories at different sites and the combined effects of climate, soil properties, altitude, aspect and management are the strongest drivers of changes in the growth. It was recommended to consider the above factors for further expansion of plantation of the species and apply periodic silvicultural treatments to the stands in order to facilitate the growth and wood quality.
机译:树木的生长导致体积(尺寸)和形状或形式变化。这些变化可以是正面的或阴性的,并且是生物或生物的不同因素的结果。一家人或个人树木具有特征生长模式,了解影响增长的变化或因素来源对于森林生产率至关重要。在这项研究中,研究了Chamaecyparis optusa(C. octusa)的生长表现,以评估自种植时间以来京南省历史上的年轻立场的生长条件。使用标准森林生长评估(高度和根套环直径测量)技术来测量历史树生长,以分析八个城市和县的七十二个站点的各个树木的递增。评估了土壤性质,气候,海拔高度与树木生长的关系。该研究的结果表明,不同部位同一年龄类别的生长模式的变化以及气候,土壤性质,高度,方面和管理的综合影响是增长变化的最强驱动因素。建议考虑上述因素,以进一步扩大物种种植园,并将周期性造林治疗应用于实体,以促进生长和木材质量。



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