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Deviation from van’t Hoff Behavior of Solids at Low Temperature




As a sequel to results obtained on the low-temperature behavior of liquids, a similar study is presented for solids. A molecule in a solid interacts with the other molecules of the crystal so that it is subjected to a specific multimolecular potential, kT _(0). At temperature T < T _(0), the molecules are localized, and at T > T _(0), they can participate in processes like self-diffusion and evaporation. As a consequence, the van’t Hoff equation is disobeyed at a low temperature and properties like vapor pressure, diffusion rate, or reactivity are zero below the specific temperature, T _(0), which here can be interpreted as a temperature of thermal stability of the solid. To account for this view, the van’t Hoff equation, represented by the green curve in the figure, is extended with a suitable pre-exponential factor, leading to the red curve. Three examples, taken from the literature, are analyzed to demonstrate its applicability. These examples are: the thermal dissociation of calcium carbonate, the sublimation equilibrium pressure of naphthalene, and that of ice. For some other solids, equilibria and dynamic properties, X (T ), are examined by means of extrapolations in the X (T ) versus T domain, showing the presence of an arrest temperature, which coincides, within experimental accuracy, with the T _(0) value obtained from the corresponding vapor pressure. As with liquids, kT _(0) is found to be proportional to the molecular pair potential.
机译:作为在液体的低温行为上获得的结果的续集,提出了一种类似的研究用于固体。固体中的分子与晶体的其他分子相互作用,使其进行特定的多分子电位, Kt _(0)。在温度 T I> T _(0)中,分子是局部的,并且在 T> T_(0)时,它们可以参与自扩散和蒸发等过程。结果,Van'tHoff等式在低温和性质上违背蒸气压,扩散速率,或反应性的特性,低于特定温度, t_(0),这里可以解释为a固体热稳定性的温度。要考虑此视图,由图中的绿色曲线表示的Van't Hoff等式,与合适的预指数因子扩展,导致红色曲线。分析了从文献中取出的三个例子以证明其适用性。这些实施例是:碳酸钙的热解离,萘的升华平衡压力和冰。对于其他一些固体,平衡和动态性质,通过 x( t)与 t域中的外推检查,显示出存在捕获温度,在实验准确度内重合,与来自相应的蒸气压获得的 t _(0)值。与液体一样,发现 Kt _(0)与分子对电位成比例。



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