首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Microbiology >An Attempt to Classify Gram-Stained Vaginal Smears with a Nugent Score of 4 into Four Bacterial Morphotypes at First Prenatal Visit

An Attempt to Classify Gram-Stained Vaginal Smears with a Nugent Score of 4 into Four Bacterial Morphotypes at First Prenatal Visit




It is controversial whether universal screening for bacterial vaginosis (BV) should be done in the early stages of pregnancy in order to prevent preterm birth. In particular, whether the intermediate vaginal flora type should be included in the group to be treated for BV. This vaginal smear type is a mixture of Lactobacillus and Gardnerella or Bacteroides spp. We examined three vaginal flora types, excluding the mixed-type, with a Nugent Score of 4 and evaluated their significance in achieving term delivery. The subjects were pregnant women who were examined at our Hospital between June 2009 and December 2010. Their vaginal swabs were taken at their first prenatal visit and were studied by Gram staining. The resulting Nugent Score 4 organisms were further classified into the following four types: mixed-type, gram-positive cocci type, Bifidobacterium type, and non-bacterial type. The clinical courses for all the types except “mixed-type” were followed-up. Among the 566 pregnant women, 58 (10.2%) had a Nugent Score of 4. There were 38 cases of mixed-type (65.5%), 3 cases of gram-positive cocci type (5.2%), 10 cases of Bifidobacterium type (17.2%), and 7 cases of non-bacterial type (12.1%). The three women with the gram-positive cocci type attained successful term delivery despite two of them experiencing GBS infection and requiring treatment with penicillin and tocolytics. Among the 10 cases of Bifidobacterium type, 5 cases were term delivery with no therapy, 3 cases were term delivery with metronidazole treatment and 2 cases were preterm birth with maternal complications. Among the 7 cases of non-bacterial type, 6 cases were diagnosed with preterm PROM, and 5 of them resulted in preterm birth despite prophylactic antibiotic therapy. Classification of smears with a Nugent score of 4 into four bacterial morphotypes may be effective, for required treatment may vary depending on the morphotype.
机译:争议是否应在怀孕的早期阶段进行通用筛查,以防止早产。特别是,中间阴道菌群型应包括在待治疗BV的组中。这种阴道涂片类型是乳杆菌和 Gardnerla或 Bacteroides SPP的混合物。我们检查了三种阴道菌群类型,不包括混合型,顽固评分为4,并评估其在实现术语交付方面的重要性。受试者是2009年6月至2010年12月在我们的医院审查的孕妇。他们的阴道拭子是在他们的第一次产前访问中进行,并被克染色研究。得到的顽皮评分4种生物进一步分为以下四种类型:混合型,革兰阳性COCC1型,双歧杆菌型和非细菌型。除了“混合型”之外的所有类型的临床课程都被随访。在566名孕妇中,58(10.2%)的顽皮评分为4.含有38例混合型(65.5%),3例革兰阳性COCC1型(5.2%),10例双歧杆菌型(17.2%)和7例非细菌型(12.1%)。克阳性COCCI型的三个妇女尽管有两个经历GBS感染并需要用青霉素和毒性治疗治疗,但仍获得成功的术语。在10例双歧杆菌类​​型中,5例术语递送没有治疗,3例术语递送甲硝唑治疗,2例为母体并发症出生。在7例非细菌型病例中,患有早产儿的6例,其中5例,尽管预防性抗生素治疗,其中5例导致早产。污秽评分4分为4分成四个细菌Morothypes的涂片的分类可能是有效的,对于所需的治疗可能因Mor晶型而变化。



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